Mark Dice calls out the media hypocrisy of bashing former president Trump meeting with Kanye when Obama Mama met with Lois Farrakhan and considered him spiritual advisor

    Patrick Jennings

   Mark Dice ripped into the left progressive lying media for their continued exploitation making an issue and attempting to use Mr trumps meeting dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes along with some homosexual Greek blogger as some bigger issue than it need t be. Mark Dice wondered whether a mainstream media or Democratic operative folded a good donation to the Chicago rapiest from Chicago based nationalist known as Nick Fuentes and the Dice Man wondered why the media keeps rolling the dice with this story thinking people would care whether Trump met once again with Ye West and his Anti semetic behavior and a right-wing nationalist who says nothing worse one would hear a Mexican soccer fanatic say at the Qatar World Cup. Mark Dice played a video where former president Barack Hussein

Obama paying tribute and kissing the ars of well-known anti semitic and repulsive Black supremacist racist in Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan who is a well known monster and pedophilitic along with Michael Pfleger fellow radical from South Side of Chicago. One hardly heard a little bo beep from the media when president Obama met and had dinner and steak with the Black Muslim leader several times while the forty fourth president of the United States.

  The Dice man continues to expose the hypocrisy of the political left and the media and how they are using this Ye and Fuentes as a hit piece that they likely set up and paid for and Mr Trump should think use his head and not meet with such a divisive and sick individual as Ye West. Barack Hussein  also met with the charlatan racist and bamboozler Al Sharpton (who bought his way onto MSNBC from church donations ) and again no one in the media  criticized Obama with meeting his vile and disgusting scum like Farrakhan and Sharpton as they do with Ye , Fuentes, and

Milo who bay all accounts are not as a propagandist and dangerous as Sharptongue and Farrakhan, In addition Barack Obama also met with the career extortionist Jesse Jackson likely on hundred  of occasions and everyone of my generation or older knows the biggest black supremacist in the world was Jesse Jackson who virtually is no different from the most vocal Southern Klan leader of the seventies and eighties. No different. One other interest of note is why are there no actual pictures given the lengths the democrats and Lincoln Projectiles likely went to organize this dinner party and yet we have not one iota nada in photographic evidence this meeting with the Chicago psychotic rapper some kid , Milao Yianannnnananapolis , anf ahhh former president Trump ever even took fucking place. 

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