Crazed Brown fascist Daily Beast writer Wajahet Ali and stupid Ben Collins goes off on Matt Taibbi for exposing Twitte rsuppression of Hinter biden labtop story

  Eric Ericson

    Make no mistake Daily Beast animal and beast writer scumbag Muslim Wajahat Ali is a fascist and a racist a committed Marxist operative and asset for the Democratic party, Mr Ali like many within the Democratic party and desperately  trying to turn this political party into their one party state to resemble the Baath party of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt and the sick Ali man is a propagandist evil writer for the New York Times  and far-left communist  internet site of the Daily Beast, This man should not  be allowed to propagandize spread  misinformation and hate and Mr Wajanat should be deported back to the fucking land ir stan he an h is ancestors come from. This maniac is a extremist and this extremism was sows as Mr Ali

attacked writer Matt Taibbi as one of many left-wing radicals who attacked the former Rolling Stone writer for exposing in great detail the lengths the corrupt Joe Biden and his administration went to at lengths to suppressing the Hunter Biden corruption scandal and laptop story Matt Taibbi is a great

writer often focusing on the leftist insanity and lunacy of maniacs lie Waahjat Ali and others in the media like this early Soviet looking Jew Ben Collins are working hard and on par with the liberal World Order and their quest for a united one world Green governance . Liberal journalists are incensed by Matt Taibbi exposing the Twitter files and how this Democratic corrupt sewer and slime like Joe Biden and his Bidencrats used twitter and demanded from Twitter to suppress the important Hunter Biden allegations before the election and again Brown

fascists born in other countries stans, and lands are a direct threat to our clvii liberties and freedom and  Wajahat Ali should be investigated and prosecuted in his  attempt to use foreign money to suppress our freedoms and rights trough his role in thee media the man is a Brown Pakistani or Indian leftist should nt be in this country preaching  hate and socialism. Wajahaty Ali is a brown turd and scumbag and he is

typical of the communist  slime that wrote for the New York Tomes and Daily Beast among other this snake charmer is a snake in the grass. Wajhal and Ben Collins and other liberal losers accuse Matt Taibbi of doing the PR but as a committed undemocratic socialist  Ali doesn't want Biden's opposition to have a voice whether it be the twitter world and polticla world and this maniac Wajhaleet Ali and stupid Ben Collins do the PR work for the New World Order and the Geroge Soros and Klaus Schwab. Pieces of shit like Wajahat ALi and Ben Collins are a direct threat to this country and should be treated as such and their attack on journalist Matt Taibbi is further proof of the sinister motivations of these lunatics. 

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