Kanye West comes on Alex Jones program praises Nazis and announces he is running for president

    Moises Moreno

    Looking like the gimp bad rapper and maniac depressive Kenye Ye West came on the Alex Jones program with a determination to one up each and every podcast he does and Mr Ye has done it again. Kenyh couldn't show his face as from out sources he burned his face cooking meth and Mr Ye spoke of the Nazi republic in Germany during World War II and praised the German expansive empire which wanted to be as evil if not more than Stalin's Russia and Mao's China.

The big three evil empires are on par although one wouldn't know it as much the Nazis have been dehumanized more in the media but make no mistake Germany even before Hitler was not a nation to be praises and was always a militaristic state run by psychopaths causing wars and instability shortly after German unification, Kanye West praised the Nazis and told the often mentally unstable Infowars host that he is gong to seek the Republican nomination for president and he may indeed wear the mask outfit throughout his campaign. Kenye ye west bizarre ranting and further attacked the Jews in this

InfoWars interview and Ye west cannot stop talking about the Jews. It appears Kanye is in some tax trouble and he is in jeopardy of having a fifty million dollar tax bill he likely will resist much like Wesley Snipes. Kaye West is likely going to jail as the Monopoly Board game and it is only a matter of time before Kanye West is imprisoned and all of these neurotic and eccentric interviews he is doing is an attempt by Mr West to get things out in the clear and only being arrested will end these crazed interviews this bad Chicago rapper keeps getting invitations despite his obvious madness. 
 Even Alex Jones  seemed surprises as this was a rare opportunity in his program for someone to out crazy the crazy legend and Mr Jones is bigger than Rush Limbaugh ever was in his crime and despite the massive attempt to silence and demonetize Mr Jones he chugs along with his huge Inforwars Program pushing supplements and rash ass pills. Alex Jones was excited when he made this guest appearance on hos program with one of the most controversial characters around but when Ye Kenye came out with the mask he seemed disappointing and for all we know that was not really Kenny West in his studio and Trump might of organized this crazy interview

alliterating a Kenye computer voice to troll Mr West back for the dinner the other night. How the fuck do we really know Alex Jones had Ye ye in his studio when the guy was wearing a mask and not one person saw the mouth move. I don't think west was even in that fucking studio. Kanye West is hilarious he is crazier than a Bat with no ears and we hope his presidential run well as ye west is serous about becoming president in 2024. We would love to see him to o the Sam Kinison school of comedy and become the next fucking Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle as the idea of Kanye West transitioning to being a stand up comedian is a fucking joke and Kenya West would make as good of a comedian as he does as a R and B singer or rapper or whatever he got original fame for.  

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