Finally North African Trevor Noah has left the Daily Show and three Jewish libtards hunger to lineup to replace him

  Rusty Stone

   North African globalist Trevor Noah is kaput from cable channels as he has finally left the fucking  Daily Show and we were woodering if he was even leaving and that news of it was a troll as for the past two months Noah continued to put his sour puss arrogant fuck face in this channel. Today we are pleased to see he is finally gone and the Trevor Noah propaganda late night nightmare is over and now we can concentrate in replacing and displacing  other lib shits whether it be Jimmy Kimmel of Seth Myers or whatever. Unfortunately thought despite  numerous applications and different suggestion it appears the

executives at the Daily Show are going to hire just as extreme leftists and Democratic Party shills to fill this slot. Do not expect to see a Ben Shapiro or a Steven Crowder to replace Trevor Noah despite both men have expressed a interest to bring a different conservative opinion and new direction for the Daily Sow and both have dropped off their application to host the show founded by John Stewart.

The dipshit Al Franklin--former disgraced sexual harasser and groper US congressman-- is one possible Jewish replacement as the producers are determined to replace the East African with a Jew. Another possibility is Sarah Silverman. Another Jewpossibiloity is someone named Chelsea Handler and whomever is selected to replace this propagandist from West Africa Trevor Noah is likely going to be as much of a political deceiver as Trevor Noah miserably was for the Daily Show. Trevor Noah looked like he was fighting back crocodile tears teary eyed to the bone no doubt about it. Trevor Noah is gone and this idiot should never ever be allowed to host anothe program and should never have been allowed to host one given the fact this fuck was not even from this country and Noah has been a joke and a globalist pushing the ideas and fake values of the New world Order with hos climate lies and so forth. Noah will be missed by few and forgotten quickly and maybe one day will have this weird race program like Tiffany Cross on MSNBC.

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