How celebrities use commercials to further trickle to top as new BMG sports book commercial rewards filthy rich Jamie Foxx and Kevin garnett

   Benjamin Edmonson

    I was watching my beloved packer son Monday night football when I couldn't help to notice that every other commercial was that of a celebrity and what we have in corporate advertising is this expenditure scam of corporate America to find and trickle more money onto the top and already rich celebrities from the entertainment world. Jamie Foxx appeared in  yet another commercial and a huge disproportionate of celebrities  milking more money from the commoner and consumer are blacks I

have noticed and Jamie Foxx is a particular commercial whore we have to see so much through broadcast television and this wasteful spending never has any criticism or scrutiny. No one is going to this sports book or whatever Jamie Foxx and already filthy rich baller Kevin Garnett were pitching in annoying and

constant Monday Night Football commercials and is utterly disgusting these companies keep putting these celebrities and further paying tribute for them like they are a Cherokee or Arapaho chief. To make matters worse these two foos were pitching a nefarious industry that puts a tax on the Middle Class brain washing and addicting them to casino play and further eroding their incomes and bank accounts through this fraudulent and destructive casino ploy. The continue use of intemperate celebrities into commercial is this weird ponzi scheme and there is no reason for these marketing departments of product and sale to use and spend so much more putting these people in their advertising and commercial I would reckon  and this is only done I reckon because of the corruption and wealth and as shit heads like Kevin Garnett and Jamie Foxx likely pay for their reserved sport n these commercials and get future deals with their sponsorship and connection. No one really cares about Kevin Garnett--he is not Michael or Magic-- and him being added to any product and this sports book will bring ion no more revenue source or income for these companies. Like wise for Jamie Foxx who is a repulsive pimp for advertising and this shit always seems to be in some fucking commercial hoarding time an money from other up and coming actors, voice practitioners , and lesser known people.

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