Free Talk Live jag fags upset Mr Musk seeks to turn twitter into new censorship tool for the right

 Ahmed Abdul

   The New Hampshire pro independence founders wising to bring a libertarian independent country to Americans North east best describes Ian Freeman and Mark Edge who are otherwise known as the Free Talk Live jag fags. These two New Hampshire states wish to secede from the United States and they hope and pray to Ayn Rand that a civil war occurs and each and every state and major political party secedes from the union and these Libertarian independent minded running the bad fake news site  called Free Talk Radio --a nationally syndicated

program where all the weirdos and whack jobs are encouraged to phone in and express a crazy opinion to them or one of the five or six other hosts of the Free Talk Live . Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are outraged and joined the recent mob against Elon Musk as they hate Mr Musk calling him a billionaire who only became one like a dog with big money government handouts and Ian Freeman has stated Mr

Musk is only able to shoot rockets thanks to the massive amount of spending the government gives and aids to SpaceX or whatever. Ian Freeman loos like he is the abandoned child from the Addams family and he is a geek and a half long ignoring how the political left censored people on Twitter but now the left is getting a taste of the medicine they would deliver along with the CDC and they are getting some of their authoritarianism back. Ian and Mark Edge and their transgender co host and others are extremely worried that they will lose their Fakebook and Twitter accounts if there is any examination of the

horseshit they deliver and the Free Talk Live jags put so much misinformation lies they could easily have their little viewed Twitter account lost  and unlike the others there will be absolutely no information about it these talk show hosts are so obscure and irrelevant. Freeman and Edge and their other 6 hosts at free Talk Live including that dumb transvestite are nobodies and what they say and think of Elon Musk has no greater impact in our universe and if their not careful Elon Musk will purchase their Free Talk Live name and platform.

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