Flea market Ron calls Jamie Raskin a radical fuck face communists on Dan Bongino and the Clay Travis show

     Arthur " King" Eaton

    Ugly zit faced Jewish Mafia member of the US Congress in representative Jamie Raskin probably proclaimed that Donald Trump will be facing criminal prosecution real soon the results of the staged and extremely partisan and bias January 6th committee has put forward . These twisted politicians calls for the arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump and basically what these criminals nine politicians who have directed this January 6th committee have committed is Extreme treason and they are they pose a danger to our country and particular a Jewish Mafia member from Maryland. Jamie Raskin is a very dangerous individual who is a direct threat to our democracy Jamie Raskins entire family is made up of Communists and this man is an extremist and opposes a danger for all and he should not be in US politics. If anything this scumbag

Jamie Raskin should be investigated and this was a message when flea market Ron made his phone call debut to the Dan Bongino show and he bashed the shit out of this corrupt Democrat weasel known as Jamie Raskin. Later on Flea Ron made a call into the Clay Travis program again bashing the rat shit out of Jamie Rats asshole  Jamie Raskin is a silly bastard and he  and each of the other eight members of the January 6th committee including former Illinois congressman and loser zero Adam kinzinger and the head of this January 6th committee the black supremacist Benny Thompson will be investigated subpoenaed and called into a court for an explanation to a senate Congressional hearing by next year. Betty Thompson and a corrupt radical black Congressional members are extremists and they hate Mr Trump long asserting to the fact that he is a racist because he did not allow blacks in some tall building back in the seventies in Mid town Manhattan. the radical blacks have held this against Donald Trump and this Wing within the Democratic Party has been particularly vocal in their hatred mistrust against the best president of this country in the last 100 years is it for the radical blacks and the blacks that hate this country hating  a great president is

a threat and this is why they disdain Mr Donald Trump. Benny Thompson again is the open and big advocate for Black Supremacy and the Takeover of this country by the black minority in some sort of weird reverse apartheid dream that he is always held for the past 30 years as a total psychotic in our political system each and every member should be investigated for their attempt to meddle into the Affairs over-hyping January 6th and doing so in order to attack the aspirations of a second Mr Trump term and what these Democrats in the two fake Republicans have committed is election fraud and an

attack on our democracy through this January 6th committee woman Jamie  Raskin as the Flea says is a ugly mother fucker( UMF) looking lost the lost fourth  stooge form the Three Stooges and this guy is a creep and a half should not being such a powerful position as Maryland senator and ahhh Raskin should hold a office more appropriately for his talent and this is perhaps dog catcher in Wicomico County Maryland. Raskin is a communist dirty rat whose main purpose in congress is to enervate this country and every moment this scumbag sit and speaks in congress it is a major pain and stain on this country as Redskin is a cockroach and a brutal loser politician. It is politicians like Jamie Boy who are ruining this country and this was the message e Market Ron as he made his debut and first national radio call in both the Clay Travis and Dan Bongino program and it was great to hear Ron's calls and message to the country of the state of the country and its 2800 flea markets.  

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