Hacksaw Jim Duggan attacked and home invaded by Mexican drug cartel

   Cody Maloney

   Wrestling legend " Hacksaw" Jim Duggan had a to subdue a Mexican drug cartel member trying to escape form other deranged member sin the South woods of South Carolina who were about to execute him. The incident recnelty took place  and the drug addict escaped  attempted to storm and hide out in the wrestling legends rural backwaters home hidden in the hills of the hillbillies which one can clearly see Hacksaw Duggan has long been a member. Jim Duggan crabbed his Colt 45 and as a big

time gun
advocate and a manufacture of plastic weapons this was a big news story.

Thankfully Jim Duggan didn't kill this member of MS 13 as he could easily have and this guy is lucky to be alive as bum rushing other homes and being marked by his own cartel members this guy has gone through aott and having bloodshed in his living room is probably something Jim Duggan doesn't need this late stage of his life. Jim Duggan was probably the most popular star in wrestling for a number of years after Hulk Hogan as he carried this piece of wood and went " Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and whatever ranting and raging like a mad dog and this was a tough guy one doesn't want to tussle with, Jim accused others of being tough guys ready to take them down and this is exactly 
 what "Buzzsaw" Jim Duggan did as he took down this tattoo dragon drug pusher who stormed his home and he held him down with his gun warning the fuck tard his brains would be blown out. Jim Duggan came on Tucker Carlson's program and told Tucker how he could hear the other gangbangers  in the woods look for this sucker and Jim called 911 and the sheriffs department  appeared like the cavalry as they came down his empty scary rural road as this was a scary encounter. People in rural area sun like their soy milk non-ganging counterparts are armed to the teeth and just plain woodsman backwoods tough guys. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh


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