Jerkoff Jamie Raskin comes on Yahoo podcast calls for the quick arrest and prosecution of Trump pronto

      Brandon Hunter

   Jamie Raskin has come on the Skulltuuggery podcast and once again made a horses ass out of himself as the radical son of a Communist and of a bitch. This  scumbag from Maryland has brilliantly demonstrated to the podcast world what a fascist he is in life. Jamie Raskin came on something called the Skull Fuckery podcast which is run by the libshitness of Yahoo and he repeated the same lies and misinformation of former president  Trump this silly son of a botch has been doing since 2015. Raskin is a rat dirty politician who will use the Pravda press to

attempt to squash American democracy and his desire to make the Democrats a wicked one party state is beyond most peoples wills to grasp beyond comprehension. Jamie Raskin is insane n the membrane suffering heavily from Trump derange Syndrome and he is a but a total danger to pour democracy and

free will of fighting the corruption that he best represents .  Jamie Raskin  is trying  everything he can do to prevent Donald Trump to run for president and this lost fourth stooge mother fucker is unhinged, stupid to the brain, and a total fascist that likely rigged the elections of Maryland to get elected to the US senate or whatever. This guy is a fucking disgrace a total zero loser obsessed with remaking the Democratic Party into a Iraqi or Syrian Baath party and this Milquetoast bastard Jamie Raskin is one of the most remarkable idiots we have ever seen elected as a official in this country's history .

If anyone should face prosecution it is this dickwad and his nefarious January 6th committee which was straight out of early Soviet history as a way to silence arrest and disappear your political opponents and make no mistake this evil global puppet  rat bastard wishes to bring this into America and he would arrest all Republicans that stand in his way and that of his political Democrats if this maniac monster fucker from Maryland had his way.

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