Serentza bashes the lunatic liberal Chiense hack bonkers Yonkers asshole Mario Cavolo

 Dominick D'Souza

    the great Chinese vlogger and social critic Serpentza bashed the Yonkers, New York bonker hack for mother China and writer duck head Mario Cavolo. This scoundrel American born jagoff moved to China and has lived in that rathole marrying a Chinese woman Serpentza played a video of this liberla lunatic bashing the West and attacking any criticism coming form the West os what the CCP says this creep

Serpentza calling for the fall of the CCP Communists in China

well as Mario Cavolo is a brutal Pravda writer always writing positivity  for this ruthless dictatorship of Jinping XI the Orange pinhead in China. Mr Cavolo praises Chinese zero polity and his has worked for a writer for this tyrannical Chinese government praising the management of China of this so-called

health crisis that always seems to hit China despite the massive global funding to combat it and likely the money is going to help increase ways for authoritarianism to rise through the health fascists that jackass Mario Cavolo supports our enemies in China and shit like him desire the destruction of our country form within spreading his usual  lies and idea that China CCP gets it right as this leech for Jinping Xis balls is a disturbed individual abn Winston Serpentza called this guy a lunatic pinhead whcih he is . There is no worse hack and fellowship pushing live for the Communist in China than this Yonkers, New

York born asshole Mario Cavolo who is a dickless wonder and many wonder how this man gets away for the obvious skullfuckery he has for his country, Mario Cavolo is a Chinese whore who talks his head out of his ass and this radical went insane in his membrane as massive amount of protests occurred in China against year zero fascism of the Covid police in China
The left-wing lunatic Mario Cavolo

Mario Covolo is a dumb stupid mother fucker and a propagandist extolling the virtues of China's  evil one party state that uses fake health scares to further rock people in rural areas form going out and using the resources that the globalists like Mario and the top CCP government believe should be reserved for the wealthy insiders of government. Serpentza exposed this dip shit and he often argues and battles this China hack on Twitter with the two going back and forth and Serpentza exposing the liberal lies of this maggot Mario 

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