Officer Tatum gets emotional another Bar shooting mass killing in Chicago as he bashes Larry Lightfoot it and the future of nightclubs and bars is on doubt

 Baxter Lomax

     The incompetence of the mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot and her evil sick administration is solely responsible for the increase of death and bloodshed in the city o Chicago and in Chicago's Portgage park neighborhood on Central Aventine a mass shooting took place after a fight in the Vera Nightclub.  The clubs owner nice was brutally slain and this club night spot has been trouble from day one bringing all sorts of outsiders riff raff into the area and this crime was only a matter of time when one especially considers the boob running the city in city hall who has done absolutist nada about addressing the massive uptick of violent crime In fact, it appears that the Democratic party condones and doesn't want to

prosecute dangerous criminals and I would not be surprised of the Kimm Foxx prosecutor allows like a ten thousand dollar bail for the perpetrator of this crime in Rican scumbag Samuel Parsons Salas was kicked out of a group celebrating a party and he returned shooting four people killing three an Officer Tatum on YouTube got emotional he read about yet another mass shooting in the city of Chicago, as a bartender at the

Itasca Inn in downtown Itasca, Il and beat reporter for Bartender News Magazine this is yet another example of a Chicago shooting in a bar.  If Chicago continues to have these murdeporus bar and nightclub encounters one has to think the entire future of the bar/club/pub drinking establishments might be kaput.

 The death and destruction of Chicago makes it like Beirut by the lake a place more violent than even the worse days of the Lebanese civil war and Chicago thanks to this scumbag Larry Lightfoot has degraded into a Somalia or Ethiopians status. Lori Lightfot is among the worse mayors ever in this nations history and the idea that this idiot thinks it is deserving of a second term is laughable and a Jesus  is coming to prevent this monstrosity.

Officer Tatum wondered how this disgraceful mayor is not talking more heat than this cousin it looking scumbag Lightbody is and this should be the news story all of the time how destructive this it  this lebian has been for the city of Chicago .

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