Conservatives all over the internet calling for the firing of Rutgers University professor pig Brittany Cooper

    Buddy Cooper

   Directing physical threats and hate against white people many are wondering why Rutgers gender identity professor and scumbag Brittany Cooper has a job as the Stacy Abrahams looking Fried Chicken eating pig came out in a brutal video and attack and pure form of reverse racism. If pig Brittany Cooper was a White woman talking shit

about the Blacks she would of been fired and for the current form of neurotic academical the encouragement of anti-White racism  is something that is to be rewarded and this

monster cow Brittany Cooper likely will get a raise for her fat vocal display of racism ad hate against White people. All of the big internet Youtubers have bashed this disgusting and repulsive individual who should be fired immediately for the racism she displayed in this nine minute rant

against white people. The problem with this country is you have misinformation given to college kids from these meat head morons like professor Brittany Cooper is a shit head and a disgruntled monster angered that she is a ugly  morbidly obese ,Black, and stupid ad she is not afraid to show this. This is the shit we have teaching youngsters at our nations universities allowed to be racist and spread their  lunacy.  
 Brittany Cooper is a disgusting fat Stacy Abrams racist and Rutgers University needs to do what is right and this is to can the fat ass of this monster. Someone such as herself advocating violence against a certain group of people should not be employed by a state university system and this pig needs to go.

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