Red eye radio Jag Bags lie about inflation and no we're not headed to be like Greece

    Arnold Buckley

   The late night pro shipping and trucking industry syndicated radio hosts and overnight idiots on the radio Eric Harley and Gary McNamara lie out of their ass and are not economic McNamara and Harley pretend to be economics and their continued lies and misinformation about inflation shows the pretensions of these corporate radio media why because the right Wingers Harley and McNamara keep comparing the United States to Greece and that we are on the path towards Greece with massive inflation from the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve and their continued printing of US dollars.

The Red Eye radio jackasses Eric Harley and Gary McNamara working a 'hard" job

The real cause of inflation is internationalist investors and the global trade system that Harley and McNamara support and do not want reduced . We are not headed to Greek situation because Greeks do not have their own currency and they rely on the euro and the American people enjoy the benefit of having their own currency there is no comparison between Greece and the United States as far as inflation and these silly goose jackasses should know this reduction of us manufacturing and in portion

importing products from China and overseas importation is also the cost as rising fuel and shipment costs are never taken into effect from those who support the status quo and the ridiculous of shipping products all over the world it's a vicious cycle and the massive Trucking industry that is the results in the big country like the United States. Gary McNamara and Eric Harley are pro Trucking jackasses who should be talking about Americans investing in making products in this country and not importing them from

other countries. Aside from oil they never do discuss this and Harley and McNamara are all also the two dudes constantly talking about people not wanting to work anything that can be considered hard work. These turkeys talk for a living for 3 hours and get the salary four times a higher salary than the jobs that these idiots are complaining about people not wanting to work hard. Are among the most egregious dumb asses incorporate radio and the jobs that they complain people not taking are not jobs that these two dudes would have done even in their younger ages. Eric Harley and Gary McNamara talk for a living over the radio and perhaps our economy should produce more jobs in radio to help offset the job job crisis as

working in a radio Booth as even Harley and McNamara would admit is a lot easier than working in a factory or an amazon. Harley and McNamara should be talking and promoting more money .Printing and job radio on-air production should be encouraged and  increased by these hacks radio hosts   personalities,  but instead they ignore the consolidation of the radio industry and the lack of jobs in what is results it is a corporate syndicated radio that helps people like them get more bogus overpaid salaries to spread their economic propaganda. More jobs with good paying careers in radio should be initiated  so more people can enjoy '"work" like Harley and McNamara and if these to clowns had to work a hard job or at Amazon fulfillment centers obviously these two squirrelly fucks would be thinking and talking

differently. The Red Eye radio jerks know little of the Greek economic crisis and riots of 2012 the first major global uprising against the bankster since 1999 and the battle of Seattle and jackasses like them have benefited form reduced wages and the degradation of working conditions in America. Gary McNamara and Eric Harley are not Economist they will never be Economist and they don't know nothing about the economy and much of what they know is blowing hot air into a microphone is these are two dudes who enjoy we need more occupations and easy jobs that Eric Harley and Gary McNamara selfishly enjoy. Red eye radio Jag Fags lie and propagandize about inflation and why these two jokers are given such a media platform are all too obvious .

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