Stretchs bar in Waukegan, Illinois has yet another shooting as man shoots other man in Christmas eve

 Baxter Lomax

    Every two years for the past three decades it seems like this Waukegan, Il bar called Stretches Sports bar ad pub has a shooting and I have been there several  times when up in lake County and the Illinois Wisconsin border on business . This place seemed like a dangerous shooting gallery potential to me from the sketchy mother fuckers that hang out thus I was not surprised t see yet another shooting  in this bar as 22 year old

Anthony Perdoza was shot once in the chest and the reports of this case are lacking not much coverage of yet another violent encounter in a Chicago area bar and nightclub. A scumbag loser named Robert Suddath was arrested and again the motivation of this shooting in Waukegan is not given and for all we know this man may have killed Perdoza for looking at him. Waukegan is a shit hole and little coverage of this shooting can be found but the shooting occurred on Christmas eve and it is surmised a argument ensured but given it was a Black man shooting a Latino whether a drug sale took place is not 
Former Harlem Globsters and NBA legend  Maurice " Stretch " Barnett 

known  as these sketchy barfs are often the scene  of major deals. The bar sits on a unoccupied former Ramada Inn and is owned by NBA legend and former Harlem Globetrotter all of famer Maurice " Stretch' Barnett who one would think of all the money he got paid playing in the NBA and lucrative endorsement

deals he would have had a nicer more appropriate bar location. The bar is excellent inside and it is too bad so sad for Mauricio to have such a nice bar in a city with a shit violent population and I would recommend to Mr Barnett he move his business to Northbrook of Highwood and get the fuck out of shitty Waukegan, Illinois and it violence which is often topic at our blog how much we hate and fear this city former hometown of television legend Benny Hill. This is the same clown who complained back in

2018 when there was another shooting death at his bar that the police presence in his parking lot was harassment given  the amount of crime that takes place in this ballers bar and if this man wasn't a NBA legend the bar would of been shut down years ago. We are calling today after this shooting for the former Globetrotters bar to be shut down as it is a stain on an already stained city shit hole that is Waukegan, Illinois. 

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