The horseshit of Collin Abroadcast as Chicago bargainer refuses to tell a Turk vendor his nationality

 Kevin Rooster

   Collin Abroadcast is this world unlimited funding bank account world traveler who gets to purchase stuff left and right at these flea markets and luxury item stores Mr Abroadcast is from Chicago or Milwaukee and he loves to go to all of these Asian and Middle Easter markets primarily where bargaining is a skill and encouraged and Mr Abroadcast has been doing YouTube

channels for some time buying man purses and purchasing wallets he does not need and whatever. My question which I often pose to Colin is how does he get all of this money to shop like a woman and purchase these sneakers and travel to the remote areas of Turkey and Turkestan to make all of these amazing videos where he messes with the

brownies and yellows skins for these luxury items that is all reality should not cost high and only do so because of the corporate ability to brainwash individuals to accept higher costs for the name on the jacket or shoes which is ridiculous. Mr Abroadcast wears his hat backwards thinking it makes him look younger or more appealing to younger girls whom this horndog is always trying to score. Collin walls onto these stores with hot attractive girls working always with a bog wad of the countries currencies along with the big wad of Greenbacks. 

Collin Abroadcast's only interesting aspect of his YouTube channel is seeing these fucked up Kiosk mall stores in other lands and stans and the horse shit Collin often gives the Brownies from these stan lands about his nationalist and country of origin as one can hear the hoarse in his voice when he does admit he is from America when he does't horse poo a answer from a Egyptian

magician or Turk. A case in example is a recent trip this globalist ATM hacker or something world traveler Collin did when he visited some markets in Izmir , Turkey and this guy like purchased two thousand dollars worth of items form this Turkish bazaar and what he does with these products if he resells them I do not know. What is known is it doesn't appear Collin really has a home as from  the amount  of
videos he does this man travels so much he lives in motels and again how he is able to afford this remains a mystery. Collin is also another dude who travels and broadcasts so much it s in his name as he tries to get pussy and every exotic 31 flavors a she can and on e could imagine cheap Collin bargaining a Libyan prostitute  in a North African brothel in Casablanca or somewhere. 

Colin Aboradcast refused to answer when a Turkish vendor political inquired about his nationality making small talk and Colin said he didn't k wow which is absolutely  horse manure and just rude. If the supposisititious  broadcast

doesn't want to broadcast his ethnicity  to answer truthfully should just declare he is Norwegian, Danish, English, and German as our own incredible writer and weirdo Dave Berkson often answers when asked insisting this  is his mutt breed. Collin Aboradcast may be a mutt or as we suspect he is either a one hundred percent scammer globalist and this is why he doesn't want to answer this question.

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