Arnold Armstrong
The vile and repulsive music the mafia gives o this country has produced some three hundred troll and offensives black female rappers. The amount of money diverted in the name of social media for the bad music of the hip hop and rap industry must be the culture theft of the century as bad dumb rappers like Glorilla spread and promote violence that ghettoize. Glorilla is another crazed female rapper obsessed with money and much like all of these female rappers every video almost consists of them calling one another bitch" and being surrounded or flashing money and this is no accident.
The music mafia wants Black women to be like these repulsive women obsessed with sex and money and the likes of Meghan the Stallion, BIA, and Glorilla are just a small example doing video after videos talking bitch and money after bitch and money. These are two of the main words of their limited vocabulary and the corporate media and mainstream entertainment mafia brings the world this money obsession shit with no shame. The main motivation of female Black rap music seems to be an unhealthy obsession of slander and money.

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