Mulligan Sullivan
The My House is Dirty original pranksters and cart crashers Dirty and Red hate bald heads and they have patented the demeaning term on-line of calling people bald heads when they prank individuals and these baldie confronting the Dirty House boys Dirty and Red came ob and are now doing a little podcasting and they call it the bad bald Head podcast. Dirty and Red first attacked Daily Wire's Andrew Klavan and they called this dude a old weird fucker who plays video games and does gaming
videos and may be the oldest fool on Twitch. Andrew Klavan is transitioning a little bit away from all this political talk ad Klavan reminds his few young listeners that he is a original gamer recalling the first pong and Jaws arcade games and unlike them he was there from the beginning. bald head Klavan is trying to come across to the kids as some gaming original gangster and wizard/expert and the man is slow and old on the joysticks as he has lost 90% of his mental and cognitive re flexing ability as most men playing video games as past 60 years of age. Dirty said Klavan has a bald head and is too dam old to

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