Gerald Jasper
Bruce Springsteen is like eighty or ninety year sold and like many former rockers these men refuse to seriously consider retire and unfortunately they rake in money summer after summer in the fraudulent economy that pays these creeps like they are still stars from 50 years ago. It is both shocking and appalling that Bruce Spingsteen is still performing and who exactly ants to see this old fool perform at his advanced grandpa ears is besides me but I know one fat mother fucker who likely will be there this summer in
Chicago's Wrigley Field. Former failed New Jersey governor Chris Christie will unquestionably they will be seeing an appearance by this failed former presidential candidate and failed Governor of New Jersey. The real issue though is why would Brice Springsteen still be in demand and again likely the over-extended fraud and wealth of the boomer generation and those into music likely explain this as they and their corporations basically subsidize the retirements of their favorite musicians with these fraudulent concerts and diversion of money towards the top which seems an American tradition and could only occur with the aid of corrupt politicians like Chris Christie and JB Pritzker.

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