Jacoby Genvese
The anti-war movement is growing and famed Trendsetter internet celebrity Gerald Celente went off on the wasteful spending and massive intrusion exporting of weapons to prolong a unwinnable war in Ukraine. Gerald Celente was one of many speaks to blast this war in Ukraine and the Biden administrator efforts to bring about World War III as this disgruntled and evil Joe Biden demands war. Celente is angered at this fake catholic Joe Biden as he is not the prince of peace but the devil himself and peace is not a world
that is in Biden's deranged mind. Celente bashed the ass of Biden and the presstitutes pushing for war and agreeing sidestepping with Joe Biden's disastrous war efforts and campaign to produce ore slaughter. Jimmy Dore, another one of our favorites, spoke against the war saying every American could have a nice Mansion or if preferably a lego bloc agenda 21 huge condo complex with assessments paid for life in the same amount for just one of the Biden payouts to Voldolme Zelensky and his Ukraine cronies fighting the Russians and bringing us closer and closer to nuclear war . Both Dore and Celente can't believe how much money is going overseas and to this one particular country when there are so many problems in America and likely the wealthy Europeans who don't want their own military and stutter their luxury lifestyle and increase of taxes for their own militarizes are behind this expenditures from America going to Ukraine to create a Ukraine iron Curtain against Russia.

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