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Mark Antanasio is worth like a fortune and some 700 million dollars yet he still needs a chunk of Wisconsin's budgets surplus to get needed repairs and who knows perhaps sign some more free agents and pay grow men 400 million dollar contracts. Rotten dog faced gremlin chump fucker Governor Tony Evers is seeking to give free money to this near billionaire Mark Antanasio. The stupid old governor wants to give away tax payer money and 300 million dollars...millions and millions dollars so America Family Insurance stadium repairs and give away. if anything this ownership group was foolish enough

t build a stadium with a retractable roof which will always be costly and is unnecessary and the repairs for this quickly deteriorating stadium and corporate shill case turning the sport of baseball into this weird distraction of constant corproatacry and advertising and these companies should be paying for the repairs as they invest so much into purchasing space time to browbeat the fan witn their messaging,

Tony Evers is a bubble-headed bobby who wants the common person to pay for the profitability of the rich and wealthy and like a typical Democrats Tony Evers is using sports and government to help wealth trickle to the top as Democrats are the biggest spreaders of financial stress and inequality despite what their purchased and lying media at ABC, CBS, CCP. and NBC networks will lie to us.

Tiny Evers is a disgrace and a old dog face and his attempt to divert tax pay money to this creep owner of the Milwaukee Brewers and giving him free money and hoping somehow the Brewers organizations will remain into Milwaukee well into the 2040's and next generation is a give away to a billionaire like Mark Antanadsio who wants this free government money as we have said so he can distribute it to athletes and men who can swing and hit a ball and pay NBA already super

soaked wealthy ballers like Milwaukee Bucks NBA player Giannis Antelope. I propose the Brewers allow the common man and residents of Milwaukee to get ownership stakes of Evers and rich scumbags want these repairs and the Brewers should be increasing public ownership of the ball team much like the Green Bay Pacman NFL team. The likes of Giannis Antelpopemenka and Attanasio demanding subsidies form citizens of Milwaukee to help pay the costs of their boring sport and team is both shocking and appalling and the fact that this wizard weed head bad Governor Tony Evil would support this is unbelievable and thankfully questioned by Wisconsin Republicans.
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