Actual Justice Warrior Sean Fitzgerald laughs at Dr Rashad Richie's fear of being sued and his crocodile tears

 Jim Oberweis

    An emotionally scared and frightened Dr Rashad Richie went on The Young Turks Network to offer an apology to Sarah Comrie the city park health profession that left wing radicals and dummies like Rashard Richie called a racist and a Karen shaking before the camera and nearly crying. Dr Rashad Richey almost lost and broke down when he explained why he and the producers at the Young Jerks Network decided to make a video on the confrontation between this woman who had rented a bike and five thugs who refused to give it uop and let it be available after one of them was using it. Actual Justice Warrior Sean Fitzgerald played this video and laughed at the crocodile tears and fakeness of what is essentially a radical and a black supremacist and Dr Rashad Richey. Dr Rashad Richie has done more than anyone else on the internet in spreading race fear and hatred and in the summer of 2000 it  culminated with the summer of violence and love in the George Floyd black lives matter riots and protests. This unnecessary violence and  riots were caused by Mad Men such as Dr Rashad Richie propagandizing and spreading not love but hate through his broadcast. Dr

Rashad Richey has such intense hatred for white women that he does an entire segment called I wish a Karen would which I guess... I guess.. he wished that a white Karen would dare confront him. Dr Rashad Richie went too far with a last counts what must be 3,531 anti-white female Karen videos he is

produced at the Young jerks network. Dr Rashad Richie went after the wrong Karen and Sarah Comrie and her lawyers have slapped this fool and The Young Turks owner Jack Ogre with a lawsuit from hell and from Turkey. Dr Rashad Richey sensing that he might be coming to an end at least on YouTube as without a doubt there's a future for him and his work and immense and MSNBC - - came out with the most fake crocodile tearing I've ever seen on the internet. Actual Justice Warrior Sean playeda video of this fool and his near mental breakdown offering  an apology while still insisting that the five black youths were misunderstood and have been defamed.  Richey insists this despite the video evidence of the youths  preventing  this pregnant woman from a bike as one youth refused to get off and then cussed and threatened this woman. Dr Rashad Richie doesn't know or care about the facts and clearly had these five youths been white he would never even bother doing a video so quickly to add more of his race baiting and hatred Karen videos that this man loves and feels proud of. Actual Justice Warrior Sean cannot believe that Jenk Uygur has not fired this fool and he continues to employ this obvious lying black supremacist and racist. One of the things why Rashad Richie started to cry is the amount of criticism in accusations he has received for being what he is and this is what I would say as a black supremacist. Dr

Rashad Richie has been attacked online by numerous perhaps hundreds of thousands of individuals attack against this woman and this man should be forced to ban from YouTube much like Alex Jones's and the double standard of the liberal left and who they pick and choose to ban and cancel from YouTube is unbelievable. Dr Rashad Richey and his misinformation,  lies and race baiting has deserved this banishment from YouTube

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