Reporter confronts serial killer in white genocidal killer Nathaniel Cook is the insane Democrats release a serial killer and why Dawn Bakes name not such a hosuehold name as Emmitt Till

      Clark Kramer 

   The number of black on white murders racial attack and revenge against white Americans has never been told or counted precisely. The 70s to the '90s saw untold number of black and white serial murder and brutal murders such as a Cook Brothers of Akron Ohio who slaughtered 12 white

people and they primarily prayed on white couples late at night. A plea deal was done with Anthony Cook who perpetuated most of these murders and he somehow got his brother a 20-year sentence despite his brother being and actually killing numerous people in the crime spree with him. The Cook Brothers we believe both Anthony Cook and Nathaniel Cook murdered 12 of these people and what we have is a criminal complex

Democrat Party that allowed Nathaniel Cook to serve 20 years for murdering three people and he is living in Akron ,Ohio as we speak with this journalist at w something in Akron knocked on the door is Anthony Cooks as Nathaniel Cooks address which is widely available as this monster is a registered sex killer house.  How someone has not avenged the brutal murders of white women and children by this monster is beyond

comprehension. The  reporter tried to contact Anthony Cook through mail being ignored as he wanted to do a story and he actually went up and knocked on the door refusing to step inside as  in no way was he going to step inside with a crazed anti-white genocidal killer . All of  Anthony and  Nathaniel Cook 12 victims in Akron, Ohio early 80s were white Americans Nathaniel Cook and his brother Anthony had had no remorse and indeed when DNA finally tie them to a couple cases they seem to relish

and giving a full confession and seem proud of their duties. Nathaniel Cook refused an interview but he did talk to this reporter and said that he's a religious man and was even religious back then which is totally absurd as in no way would someone who perpetuates to be a follower of Christ would do the evil that this sinister sick black killer  walking demon had done. There is a reason the race baiting evil media keeps bringing up Emmitt Tills murder and anniversary while ignoring the more heinous and brutal murder of Dawn Backes and white female victims of Black racial hate and violence is ignored by this wicked media and Dawn Backes name and killing should be more synonymous than Emmitt Till and there is a sinister reason why it isn't.   The fact that the Democrat Party and the justice system has allowed an actual serial killer Nathaniel cook to be free in 2018 and to remain and live with his sister in Akron ,Ohio is absolute amazing and this plea deal should never have been done. Only in a corrupt sick  country run by the Democratic Party would black serial killers like the Cook Brothers exist and commit  get away with their crimes for so long and in the actual release of one of the brothers. These Cook Brothers should have been executed within the year of their trials for the

egregious white genocidal crimes and these crimes that they have committed does not  get the same publicity as Emmett Till's murder in 1955 in fact we with just that it is Emmett Till the murder that caused these thousands and thousands of white genocidal murder of women children and couples at the hands of the blacks and the real victims of racial violence in this country are indeed and have been white Americans. This reporter looked and talked for 4 minutes into the face of evil wit Nathaniel Cook when he talked and this  reporter says he felt the evil presence as he spoke to Nathaniel Cook and this is indeed an actual walking demon in our society who is living a free man and this is just sick and wrong.

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