Big Pokey drops dead

 Dave Berkson

   Rapping before he sold out hot bar called the poor nine the famed Houston-based rapper known as Big Pokey drop dead. We have the same news to reports this occurred last night during concert when Big Pokey was talking to the disc jockey and telling him to play a new beat. Big Pokey was the founding member of the rap group and he was just starting his solo career and playing bars and clubs within the Houston area. Big Pokey suffered all sorts of heart diseases before his sudden death last night as the man lived a large lifestyle with expensive gold chains and huge steak meals they put a major strain on his heart and his stomach.

Big Pokey will be missed by his legion of fans as this man is almost as big as Tupac and some people were even predicting this legendary rapper who rapped some famous tunes as "Bitch got my juice "and "Screw Back yo back" and he would surpass the famous dead rapper. Pokey according to his friends  had a heart with as much gold as the 30 pound chain he wore to announce to the world his membership of a privilege elite member of rap and the music mafia and his shocking death on front of all to see and on Fakebook Live sent shock waves throughout the entertainment and music world.

The stage shook and most people thought pokey to be playing again the heavy drinking Pokey had dropped before after heavy night drinking. Many had just assumed he  had slumped and fell after he had like his tenth whiskey shot but for little Pokey it was his difficulty in breathing that caused him to fall flat like a pancake. Pokey played his last song and collected his last  royalty for his bad music and now there is an opening in the Houston area music mafia and whether Mr Pokey gets replaced pronto with another rap balloon it is not known.  

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