Gutless medical fascist and coward Peter Hotez refuses to debate Robert Kennedy Jr on The Joe Rogan show despite

 Zobo The clown

    The gutless coward known as Peter Hotez who is a well-known established propaganda for the vaccines and MSNBC analysts has a lot to say and he doesn't like debates with this in mind the crazed pedo-looking Doctor Who type of  a pediatrician his refuse an offer by Joe Rogan to debate Robert Kennedy Jr on the effectiveness and necessary of the vaccines. Peter Holtz is one of these medical fascist positions who thinks he's the smartest person in the room and this man is among and was among the biggest of the propagandists in promoting big Pharma and helping them bring profits through Force vaccinations and essentially government taxation on people subsidizing this medical industrial complex and their

worthless vaccines. Peter Holtzlooks liek A bLak amn wearing white face aka Eddie Murphy and he is a dipshit individual who wants control and he wants it for his industry to be empowered as a caste system type nobility and he wishes for this class to have the privileged of free subsidies in government spending further industry. The covid vaccines were the biggest money gripped imaginable in human history and many anti-vaxxin vaccine people have been calling for major

investigations for corrupt individuals like Anthony Faulty  Rochelle Walanesky and this little leprechaun often media guest and propagandist Peter Hotez. This is a little leprechaun funded heavily for his misinformation by the pharmaceutical companies and the Democrat health fascists in government and he  does not want to to appear on The Joe Rogan show in the bay Robert Kennedy Jr despite the offer of $2 million for both individuals and for them to spend and donate as a police. Peter Hotez without a doubt is authoritarian medical fascist and this little leprechaun getting pots of gold for hos Pravda is

 authoritarian who only wants one voice in discussion of matter concerning covid and the vaccines and he made this clear through various media appearances on the race network of MSNBC where he lied and defamed  people like Robert Kennedy Jr questioning before vaccines that benefits scumbags like leprechaun Peter Lopez.  Peter refuses to debate Robert Kennedy Jr on The Joe Rogan show despite a massive monetary offer. What this mini me fascist wants is to talk to fellow Baath Party operative and fascist Mehdi Hasan where he can lie and smear about those standing up to bog pharma and their forced drugs and shits and if he is held accountable for his lies in a televised debate his stomach probably couldn't handle it. Make no mistake Peter Hoetz is a fascist and he loos very well like a pedo. The silly bastard was confronted by numerous people and now he is crocadiling tearing about loss of privacy ignoring the fact this troll attempted to deny our rights  and privacy making our own health  decision and not having a sick government make these decisions for us. 

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