Anthony Brian Logan bashes alien invasion family story and medias all over this space shit blasts Neil De grass Tyson

    Joe Jupiter

  Brian Anthony Logan blasted the recent khat chewing family of Yemenese weirdos who out out a story ad mirage of space aliens landing in their backyard and he wondered why the media went and rolled with it. ABL says the media is coming up with or space  news stories because news is boring and the producers and executives need something to attract more people to observing it and fish tales as aliens landing will become more or the norm in news presentation and style . I have always predicted that the corporate

Where are the cell pone videos as BAL says

mainstream news will eventually become like Weekly World News tabloid where outrageous is presented and people an say shit about anything that they want.  Anthony Logan Brian says if there were indeed ten foot giant aliens that landed there would be video evidence and why was there no smartphone evidence of these aliens and why didn't this khat chewing likely drugged out family present any phone evidence of these amazing landing of space aliens from the planet Neptune. 

The cricket aliens from planet Neptune and Uranus

 Anthony Logan bashed this drug addicted lying family in Vegas City and the media's role in pushing the big lie of aliens were creeping around their backyard hunting squirrels and false alien landings will be something that will come to fruition from the weird media  in the coming years. This possibility of a new money revenue source talking fake news is likely the coming result and evolution of the news paper industry as politically they have already become bullshit horse shit news such obvious fake and

propaganda for Obama and team Biden. ABL also bashed the stupid science and likes of Neil De Grass Tyson for pushing the fake aliens story and insisting there are billions of advanced civilizations based n the science and ABL would love to debate NDT on the validity and possibility of space aliens and their abilities to land in someones backyard and Brian Anthony blamed the continuous misinformation that Neil De Grass Tyson has

been doing for years promoting without evidence that there are millions and millions stars and galaxies that probably have some intelligent lifeforms capable of mastering space flight and travel, naturally Neil Tyson is smoking grass and he is talking out of his ass as he has nada one real evidence to back the claim of interstellar travel and possibility of intelligent life on other planets and he just speculates there must be given how large space is and then says this as fact. Anthony Brian Logan challenged and issued a debate challenge and said he digressed as he believes Neil Grass Tyson would never challenge science and have a debate with a Youtuber like him 

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