Japanese globalist beer brand Sapparo and treasonous business men like Sam Singer destroys Anchor Beer for unionizing

 Baxter Lomax

   Failed college basketball player and former college basketball star and fail NBA prospects Sam Singer has allowed the classic Craft brewery Anchor Beer in California to basically be swallowed up and destroyed through the Japanese globalist beer brand name Sapporo. Anchor Beer will be shutting down production 2 years after unionizing as the Japanese beer conglomerates had purchase this one time independent great American beer company about a couple of years ago. Anchor Beer will only be available in Kalifornia and they will just discontinue their classic Christmas beer offering  as well that was also distributed nationally is once a hit and put anchor Anchor Brewing on the map.

The Japanese conglomerate Sapporo had purchase anchor Beer Brewery and basically these globalists have destroyed another classic beer growing independent brand in the United States every time a large corporation purchases a small craft brewery this is a kiss of death of the brewery and basically these large conglomerates do what big Tech does in purchasing and destroying potential rivals down the road.  Sam Singer is a scumbag and typical executive who sold out to the Japanese and now basically a few years after the purchase there was 

 a successful unionization effort at Anchor Beer the globalist  have punished the workers and this one-time popular beer brand called Anchor Brewery Company. Sam singer and the sellouts are responsible for the death of anchor Beer Brewery as it will be a shallow of itself and eventually look for the Japanese apparel brand beer company to eventually discontinue this brand altogether and put it in the dustbin of history this is another example of why these stupid crap breweries might actually just be Ponzi schemes looking to be purchased by larger Brands and then they can care less

whether they're one time creation survives 5 years of after a brewery purchase. As head bartender of the famed Itasca Inn behind Tree Guys Pizzeria in Itasca ,Illinois I refused and squashed a deal with Sapparo beer refusing to have this bar serve this disgusting Jap beer and the companies war on the American worker. The same thing happened when Goose Island allowed Inbev Budweiser to purchase it a few years ago and now one never even hear as much about Goose Island in the one time Chicago institution is barely available within bars and clubs in the Chicagoland area let alone the rest of the

country. I knew this beer company was kaput when they unionized and then the 92 year old failed US senator from Vermont Bernie Sander posed with them back in 2019 and sooner or later the Japs and their crony executives American corporate hunchbacks like Sam Singer were going to shit on workers and shut production closing up distribution just to punish them and the  union. Sam Singer and the executives at Sapparro are scumbags and a half and people should boycott this disgusting ( and foreign) brand of

piss water Sapparro and punish them for treating American workers like shit. Sam Singer is such a pompous arrogant fuck he tells friends that he has and will drink the last two Anchor Beer bottles and he  will go to the foot hills of San Francisco and drink it and give a Japanese ritual Hirohito salute and cry when he does.

  Sam singer has long promised revenge on the union thugs who dared to challenge him and the Mitsui Keiretsu and he has basiclaly plotted his revenge against the union thugs that so aggravated and annoyed him and this is basiclaly Singer and others conspiring to weaken and bring down Anchor Beer pronto and as quickly as it has halting all interstate production and distributions in order to quell the union movement in the craft and national beer industries. Fuck Sam Singer. 

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