Are orcas going woke???? Sudden recent search of attacks on boats by killer whales causes alarm

   Neil Knight

     Orcas killer whales my friends are going woke as there have been number of high profile Orca attacks on the seven seas especially off the coast of the corrupt sick nation of Spain. Orcas have now been recorded in at least thirty attacks since the spring in and around the canary islands and scientists are perplexed at the growing violence of these killer whales who for once are acting lie their names indicate. Perhaps  the sounds of the canaries are driving these whales wacko. Whatever three reasons orcas are going woke and riding the waves looking for trouble with man and perhaps with Joe Biden and other bar world economic leaders.government heads, and corrupt politicians Orcas sees man getting weak run by 

 weak leaders and it might be the for the Killer Whales to show more mammalia backbone against the environmental degradation and suckiness of man. The situation in the seven ocean and seas has gotten so bad there has been a explosion of stories about these woke whales an the abuses they are sharing with the world angered and triggered at the failures and

destruction of man often over fishing the seas to death. Were these wokster Killer whales need to go to is Asia where depletion of the fish and sea life by hungry seafood obsessed Asians is particular bad and Asians are unable to process and grow wheat or cattle raise and they actually are quite proud of the sea shit they eat and hunt the waters clean with the massive over-exploitation of the oceans. The situation has gotten s bad even Wild Tomes podcasters are talking about it an wondering why suddenly the killers are 
 going woke and bloke against the blokes humans and their ships. The Wild Times hosts suggested perhaps one Orca had a bad experience and is teaching all other orcas that sail boats are bad after maybe being hit. I would say perhaps a Orca saw some fool in a boat hunt and kill its mother and so forth. Forest and Peter though think Orcas are smarter than man and that they are planning something and this explains why suddenly they have had enough of boats and people wandering into the ocean and into the hunting grounds not much unlike the Native American resistance itself. Some conspiracy theorists have also suggested that Orcas, Dolphins, Porpoises are behind the recent spat of UFO technology and sightings throughout the world and these sea mammalians are evolving fast and we are  unable to witness their power under the oceans.

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