Wicked witch of the Bronx Alexandria "Co Co" Cortez is jeered and heckled at town hall and Dave Portnoy comes to her defense in the crowd

   Carlson Tucker

      Alexandria Ocasio-Coretes is a failed socialist and a rad radical in out congress working her best with evil intentions to undermine our country The wicked with and failed bartender from the Bronx had a Old Town hall and she was resisted and humiliated by her own constituents as only people residing within her district were able to attend this ton all. Several people confronted and called doubt the failures f this horrible congress monster as AOC ranks among the worse and most vile despicably member of our political system she is a skank bag much to the jeering of the strategically placed crazies and sycophants of Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria. One of these individuals looked like and may have indeed been Bartstool sports founder

,jackass, and fool Dave Portnoy who is smitten with the Bronx assemblywoman and is a committed Marxist like her. Portnoy was seen throughout the night in the back row jeering those who dared to mock and confront his queen and indeed royalty is something this political scumbag has presented herself and

sees her self as the narcissism of Alexandria Cortez is almost unmatched in our political system. This ninny thinks she is Giselle Bundchen or Heidi Klump. Alexandria Ocasio instead is this sick twisted Caribbean Communist who is a race divider and a hater some would say a actual Anti-White racist or a grifter working for those who are ant White and Anti Semitic. Portnoy went off on the individuals humiliating his fantasy and he was clearly upset in this video as this madman was screaming and ready to fight as he wore his mask all wrong and looked and sounded like the stupid fool we all know he is with his stupid pizza food one bite reviews and so forth.  
 AOC was humiliated and destroyed at her own town hall meeting and she played it cool but make no mistake she was angered and was trolled and she kept looking at her plane ticket to get back to Washington DC. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez also was called a "Piece Of Shit" which she is and she knows and is why she didn't argue the accurate point and the amount of heat and hate AOC is facing makes her vulnerable and rumors are circulating that Curtis Sliwa Guardian Angel founder is going to challenge this nutcase and run against her for this congress seat. AOC is quickly aging and we have stated one she loses her looks and transgresses to looking more and more like Nancy Pelosi is  will be harder for this woman to be popular and beloved. 

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