Doctor Now says little Lizzo is a pig and she should seriously go away as she is threatens to quit and she might not even be the same species as Cheng ErChinese car model

    Jim Oberweis

Overweight news


   DR Now the great ostapestian doctor or whatever known as Younan Nowzaradan has come put and heavily criticized the singer ,rapper, fat ass known as Lizzo. The famed doctor doing log time surgeries cutting t guts of fat people so they don't over eat as much has seen the rise and hopefully soon fall of this Lizzo and says this woman beast is a poor role model for women and her extreme overweight celebration is both unhealthy and sick. Lizzo needs to lose the pounds  and fat and this woman is a disgust nothing like

Chinese car model and the beautiful Cheng Er. Lizzo compared to Cheng Er is like comparing a Elephant to a Elk and it hard to believe they are both mammals. Younon Nowzaradan is disgusted y America celebrating such a monster like Lizzo to be a star an famous and Now and many others were pleased to hear that Lizzo is so triggered by those mocking her fast food eating addiction that she threatened to quit her insanely successful musical career. I reckon that the reason Lizzo is so popular is because what we havee in this country is a epidemic of fatness and people who just don't care.
 DR Now says Lizzo should  go into a doctor office like his and use some of this bogus money this bad fat rapper singer has made through the years and lose some fucking weight. DR Now says of Lizzo Piggie went to his Houston office he could get her looking like a fucking human being again and not like human cattle. Younon also says possibly he can get her looking like the incredible internet ad social media sensation that is Cheng Er who must have hundreds of thousands of videos of herself and the cult of Cheng Er continues ot grow among heterosexual men and lebian alike. Lizzo arouses no one aside from her fellow black cattle lesbians who like to have a partner that is as fat and repulsive as them and Dr now says people like Lizzo are a major embarrassment for humanity.

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