Benny Johnson and Sean Fitzgerald appear on Tim Pool's program to talk about Russia and Temple predicts a Russian Civil War

 Chung Young

    Tim Pool had a bunch of guests on his program the other day and they were discussing the recent turmoil in mother Russia. Some mad man head of the Wagner mercenary Inc corporation Yevgeny Prigozhin has decided to turn on Vladimir Putin after Russian soldiers bombed his mercenary soldiers within Ukraine and Massacre many a Wagner mercenary soldiers of misfortune. The Wagner CEO and  general whatever has invaded Russia and is on the path towards Moscow and this excited Tim Pool who had five guests on his program to discuss this International crisis. Two of his guests recently were two our favorites Benny Johnson and fellow YouTuber actual Justice Warrior Sean Fitzgerald and what they had was a great 2-hour interview and discussion concerning the threats and Global safety with a possible coup attempt in Russia. Tim Pool  went on to say that what is happening

in Russia is a crisis of Untold magnitude and Tim Pool predicted a Russian Civil War and likely end of the Ukraine conflict. Actual Justice Warrior playing the huge Reliance of Russian military on private companies as a major problem and now Russians are facing in Insurrection from within from what was supposed to be one of their own soldiers of misfortune. Benny Johnson meanwhile says this reminds him of playing risk on computer and on the board and perhaps the Ukrainians, Wagner Russia , Red Russians, and white Russia 

should have a cyber War instead of a actual military conflict and Mr Johnson thinks this could be the beginning of the end of the Russia As We Know it. All three are in agreement that Russia is on a Verge of internal crisis that they have caused from the cells with having such a militaristic craze psychopath Warrior Society based on a cult of Soviet Union Vladimir Putin Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin and World War ii.

The Russians are mad people and what Russia needs is to be split up and Russians need to be put into a category of micro many states much like Germany was for hundreds of years before Prussia and Austria United all of them and Bismarck in Germany and the Austrian

Empire went to war in 1875. Tim Pool  predicted a massive Russian Civil War on par with what occurred in 1917 and Temple is hopeful that this will be the end of Russia as we know it and communism the legacy of totalitarianism for all these centuries. Betty Johnson meanwhile suggested that we could be seeing a rise of a Chinese Siberia and takeover as a Russian

population cannot grow any further and Siberia is open to Chinese expansion and perhaps one day Siberia will be a independent country along with Manchuko was during World War II Act actual Justice Warrior song also suggested that perhaps Ukraine half of Ukraine should be reserved for a Jewish state and in order to solve the Palestinian Jewish conflict in the Middle East all Jewish people should leave Israel and give the land back to the Palestinians and head for Ukraine is Ukrainians do not need all their land in space and do not have the population to maintain it. Actual Justice Warrior reminded that most Jews in Israel from European

extraction are actually from this area and there was once a Jewish Empire in the same region called the kids are Empire. He said the Jews just need to realize that their ancestral Homeland back in the day is kaput and they should never have returned in the first place in 1948 to land that they supposedly said was granted to them by god. The Jews naturally are full of shit and the land that they deserve is a Ukraine steppes where they mostly come from and they need to do what is right and give the land back to the Palestinians and quit acting like German Nazis during World War II

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