Matthew McConaughey appears on the Lex Friedman podcast knows there are aliens and considers running for president with Gavin Newsom

 Andy Cruz

    Mathew McConaughey appeared in the Lex Friedman podcast and considers running for president with Gavin Newsom in 2024 and he is so inspired by Mr Newsom some he's also pushing for a to start a movie American Psycho 2. This movie  is based on a movie with a psychopath who very much resembles Gavin Newsom and who is a mass killer and Matthew McConaughey told Lex Freeman he is very intrigued by doing a sequel of this movie and and resurrecting the role play by actor. Matthew McConaughey says without a doubt that Kalifornia failed Governor Gavin Newsom is the inspiration of American Psycho even though no one knew of the current failed Governor  back in 2000. Matthew McConaughey said his usual crazy stuff as he normally does and once again hinted at a future presidential run and he says as he told Lex Freeman a boring and dull nut very unusually popular podcaster

McConaughey would love to have Gavin Newsom be his running mate if he so decides to make this long anticipated presidential run. Matthew McConaughey is a actor and a inspirational character who is beloved by many and they have been pushing for him to run for president for some year as they believe this man is strictly non-partisan and it's something that this nation needs at this moment.  Matthew McConaughey spoke to Lex Freeman for two and a half hours about his favorite subject.... himself. Mr McConnell loves talking about how he grew up and stories about his father and despite watching this whole interview I can't remember a certain thing that was memorable that Matthew

McConaughey had to say aside form the crazy alien and food chain observations. I find Matthew McConaughey a real boring dude and it's interesting that some people put him on such a pedestal and I reckon this is because he has done some of their favorite movies and he's a popular actor in Hollywood. The idea Matthew McConaughey all being president should not be as ridiculous as some people would say as after all who would think Ronald Reagan would have been president in the 1980's when he was doing monkey movies in the 1950s. Matthew McConaughey in addition to running for

president is determined to do a sequel of American Psycho and he wants to play the homicidal maniac as he loves the role played by fell actor Christian Bale and  he told Lex Freeman that he  like himself and indeed everyone has a little psycho in them and is capable of the actions by the character Patrick Bateman in the movie. McConaughey also talked about the possibility of aliens among us and he believes he has met many without knowing and again those who say that offer no evidence and McConaughey is speaking more space shit and joining the ranks of others making this absurd claim.

McConaughey also made the assertions that aliens would not want to be conquer and be war mongering and these are traits that he thinks are reserved for Earthlings. Lex Friedman made the suggestion that Trees might have intelligence and might be aliens for all we know and with this I say maybe seals are aliens as well. Anyone can make any absurd comment about aliens without any evidence. I think Seals and Walrus are space beings. Mathew McConaughey also spoke about religion and the possibility of reincarnation and he has convinced himself that he is part of the food chain and he lived a prior life as king of the jungle and a life of a Lion and he is convinced human beings were on his diet and he remembers vividly eating man as a mean lion in either Africa or maybe India. He would love to come back one day as a Lion again and eat thingies.

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