Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez were the original Gym Bros and the best tag team in wrestling

 Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham

Perhaps one of the first gym  Bros and dude seen videotaping themselves pranking and working out and kicking ass where the world class championship wrestling tag team will Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez. These two studs battle the Von Erichs for a year and a half and some of the most intense professional wrestling they actually looked real unlike the crap that is produced today from Vincent K McMahon's horrible World

Wrestling Entertainment.  Wrestling today is a fraction of what it used to be and no one to actually is interested in it and it has become a model International funding and funnel event of non-interest boring and dull story lines back in the day there was all these independent wrestling days organizations and they had great wrestlers who moved back and forth to different territories and

promoted themselves and rose in the ranks of professional wrestling. Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez would do these skits where they were working out in the gym and on one case and Chris Adams actually kicked the reporter in the face wit a super kick who smarted off to him  Chino and Chris often did these videos while they were working out in the gym during the original gym craze of the late eighties and they were a professional

wrestling  tag team from hell and Texas .They battled the Von Erich brothers  tooth and nail and one of the greatest feuds of all time. Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez also did the skits where they worked out and reminded me of today's Tick Tock gym rats and these two dudes were the original Tik Tok bros of incredible comedic nature and went in the world of professional wrestling. Gino Hernandez would eventually be killed.... I guess through  some very

suspicious story line to his death as he was supposedly  supplying cocaine for a group.  Chris Adams career would decline and he would never be the same as he entered the world championship wrestling in the early nineties and he became pretty much a jobber.  For a short while though these two were at the top of the world of Texas wrestling in the syndicated programming networks that carried it these two were on top of their game and we're a major influence to today's Tick Tock gym Bros who do videos at gyms thinking that they are funny and tough. I love the Gino Hernandez and Chris Adams gym takes and these were ripped off by Roddy Piper and Paul Ordornff a few months later for the first Wrestling a which I will bring up later. 

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