Failed former Vice president Mike Pence announces he is running for president torn in consider asking Pete Buttgieg to be his lover running mate

 Herbert Gilbert

   Former failed president Mike Pence was in Des Moines , Iowa and he joined the crowed field of presidential field in the Republican primary. Mike Pence ranks among the worse and most uninspiring voice and Mr Pence has been one throughout his political career as only perhaps fellow and analogous  Indiana Pete Buttgieg was a more uninspiring and delirious unwelcome personalty to enter politics and it is not surprising both Pete Buttigieg and Mike Pence both came out of the Hoosier state. Mike Pence

acknowledged and thanks Pete Buttigeg during his presidential announcement as the transportation secretary showed up and supported his friend and fellow Hoosier and some are suggesting a Pence Buttigleg ticket would be a bi partisan bi sexual incredible team and both might run together on third party Hoosier state should Mike Pence most likely not get the Republican primary. Even though he is a loyal member of the fialed president 

 Joe Biden's administration having been appointed to a post he is not qualified and should not have been placed in Transportation secretary as failed former South Bend, Indian mayor Pete Buttgieg loves planes, trains and automobiles and having gay fast speed sex with other men. Thus mayor Pete was rewarded for strategical dropping out of the 2020 race and helping the geriatric corrupt failed president Joe Biden win the Democratic primary and set himself up to steal the general election in what Joe Biden even admitted spilled the beans the greatest concentrated election fraud campaign of all time. Another reason I reckon Mike Pence as a failed former perhaps worse vice  president in this nations history is he wants a buffoon even  worse and he wants Pete Buttplug to take this mantle confident that the former cocksucker ghetto and massive inequality Northern Indiana small city mayor would be far worse and thus take the mantle from Mr Pence.  Mike Pence prayed to his supporters that he winds up  triumphantly victorious  in this primary  and he told Croatians and Christians  they need to visible prayer more in this era of woke demonic vitreous and open display for Satan and he suggested people give a high five to Jesus and God and he told his crowd that Jesus support shim and if Jesus wants he will indeed pick and have the first opening homosexual candidate as his running mate in Pete Buttgieg. Pence told the crowd that from now on he wants to see people give a high five to their lord and savior and do it five times a day preferable in public to make Christians more visible and the hand will be the symbol and logo of Pence incorporated and his 2024 and maybe even 2028 or 2032 presidential bids. 

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