Clownish Robert Smith comes to Chicago and is on a national tour with his bad music and the group

    Thomas Assbrook

     Clownish Robert Smith comes to Chicago and is on a national tour with his bad music and the group The Cure old rockers refuse to die because there's so much money gripped and greased  available for the oldie fogies of music of Christmas past. These rockers get summer Christmas gifts in forms of grifts and concert corruption and the  free corporate money graming and game that funds subsidies the retirements of old rockers is something that never draws attention and investigation,  Te fact is these ancient dinosaur musicians bad lizard voiced old singers get freebies fro corrupt corporate institutions to their favorite artists and crony capitalist some crazed '80s band named The Cure is playing again and has returned to

the Chicago area. The Cure creeps are touring in general in North America for the first time since 2016 and I don't think people in North America were really waiting nor need the band The Cure to perform in 2023 and their concerts a show and a sham just thees rich people getting freebies for a summer event.  Somehow The Cure and their neurotic and eccentric front man named Robert Smith has he sold out shows  and whether these people are actually

using their own money or corporate money is not known Robert Smith look like a clown and had makeup to match as he went through a 31 song concert recently in Chicago all with his pale clown makeup all black attire and heavy eyeliner the ability of these old rockers to continue to playing a mean mean guitar and to able to grift money as if they are somewhat still influential 50 years after their peak hey day. It amazes me I mean it really fucking amazes me when I was when I was in high school no one listened to the Cure and who listens to this lame ass British New Wave band in this day and age I really don't know.

The Cure and their old clownish-looking Robert Smith lead singer can actually be described now as old wave and I still insist after  putting them on my Pandora and being reminded of how bad this band is this band still sucks it always has the Cure has always sucked it always it always will suck . Perhaps this band was more popular in coastal urban community cities and  across the pond in Great Britain in the '80s.  I don't think it was as popular as some may claim it and again these guys are like 67 year old year old acting and performing like they were in their twenties is a complete joke and a sense that we are not in a reality based world but some sort of weird simulation.  The Cure have not released a new album since 2008 yet somehow in 2023 there is still a demand for this band and their shows are sold out. Perhaps the old geriatric fans who use their corporate proceeds to go to these concerts- I can't imagine young people going to this show - - are confused by the names as other bands-- had similar names back in the day. Music should be the domain of young  people and bands and these should be the ones that are performing and getting the highlights and large event deals in 2023 and no one or band before the 1990 should be performing a concert in this day and age of Rock and Roll we the public needs a cure from old rockers who continue to play the guitar and grift corporate proceeds for their events that are organized and likely not homegrown and the demand for.

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