Five sick libtards at Pod Save America interview and give Hillary Clinton an hour and a half of Pure Evil and propaganda and Hillary ponders a residential run in 2024

     Bradly Austin

   The three-time fail presidential candidate Hillary evil Clinton appeared on the Democratic party operative propaganda Network pod save America the interview of the failed former presidential candidates and the former wife of fail President Bill Clinton is a horror and the American people have consistently rejected this sick woman to be their leader. Hillary Clinton is the epitome of global corruption and has personally helped pave the way for the destruction of this country through her insanity and involvement of our political system. Make no mistake Hillary Clinton is once again thinking of running for president and this appearance on 

There is perhaps no more sick and Disturbed person in our political process through the last two to three decades and Hillary Clinton and the Damage this wicked witch from Park Ridge has been able to commit and to spread in our country as has been  her disturbing corruption that Hillary Clinton has enabled the one-time proud and pro-american

Democrat Party. It is maddening how she and her creep husband destroyed one of our political parties and is maddening and how this evil disturbed woman is not locked up in a federal penitentiary right now. This is further evidence of how the justice system is owned by crappie corrupt Democrats.

I like how these five sick disturbed individuals act like these 37 charges against Donald Trump are not political in nature. Basically both Biden and Hillary Clinton have demanded the justice system do their best to undermine Donald Trump and this the Democratic globalist who seek to weaken this country and the e people outside of coastal and select cities and this explains why charges are trumped  up against Trump by the pushcarts for China and global order such as the hot box hosts at Pod Save America and witch Hillary Clinton.

The extremism of these loser hosts of Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor and and their female guest pushed the envelope of brutal lies and these far-left propagandists are woke and one of them indeed was wearing a dress. Sick. The extremism of woke urban weirdos such as these five should serve as a warning for the rest of the country of what Urban Democrats and their power obsession have in store for the rest of the country and  our democracy. The fact that these five weirdos would give monster mass killer Hillary Clinton a platform as Hillary hinted she may run once again in 2024 and challenge Joe Biden and Mr Trump as she acts like she is the smartest witch in the room and she is so deserving of the presidency. Make no mistake Pod Save AmeriCCPA is a Democrat Party globalist agenda political entity. The extremism of Hillary Clinton to take down a political

opponent is utterly reprehensible and should be her legacy and without a doubt she and Barack Hussein worked hard to create a coup while Trump was president and now work to smear and attack his next election cycle . These people are fascists in these five people named are fascists in ideology and they seek to preserve their power and the power of urban leftists such as himself through economic and political domination and intimidation and the silence of the opposition and those who have different opinions and all aspects of our economy and culture. Hillary also went on some long diatribe blaming Vladimir Putin for all of the worlds problems instead of Hillary and the deep state tentacles of the American more and dollar currency maniacs, the and global bankers and the BMW Mercedes driving class in AmeriCCPa who tend to lean corrupt and Democrat. 

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