Joe Biden grooms bald head thug bum dressing John Fetterman to be his replacement as they meet to discuss bridge attack and celebrate Grimac' s birthday with a shake and ice cream

     Brian Brain


   Despite all evidence that John Fetter's brain is as busted as Joe Biden the hoodie wearing street person thug looking politician is being groomed from our sources to be Joe Biden's replacement for the Democrats in 2028,. Joe Bozo was out with the failed lieutenant Governor and now Us senator from Pennsylvania is meeting with Joe Biden to beg for money and still refuses to dress the part of a politician and wear a fucking suit. John Fetterman is unable to button jackets and tie a tie and he was dressed like a San Francisco shot head as he met with Joe Biden and the closeness of Joe Biden and John Fetterbum and their confused broken brains is

evident Mr Fetterman will be a close associate and likely hand picked successor should Joe Biden win the 2024 election. John Fetterman should his health stay good will likely bring his trademark hoodie and long shots on the campaign run and I would not be surprised given this day of age that John Fetterman will start dressing like his wife and will go full trans gendered by 2028

declaring his pronouns are she and it. John Fetterman bumbled and spoke his usual incoherence when discussing with the reporters about Biden's visit and examination of the I 95 bridge and most of the time this brain damaged bald head goon speaks nobody understands what he is saying as he is unable to fill a complete audible sentence. 
 We believe John Fetterman being presented with this failed president near ninety year old weak Biden whom a strong wind rush can knock is ass down because for some within the Democratic party they know this is not a good look and they desire a big thug

street Carhart bald head prison barb and Fetterman is much more  intimidating figure than the weak near death Biden. After disusing emergency funding and opening up the bridge on 1-95 that likely was a Chinese spy balloon act of sabotage and the Democrats will gladly cash cow and announced they will cut red tape and fix the roads make millions to cronies corruption through construction. John Fetterman also celebrated his look a like birthday in McDonald grimace and both Biden and Fetterfucker grifted for Micky D's promoting the new purple shake and John Fetterman took Biden to McDonald for the purple shake and some ice cream. Jack Fetterman is such a fan of Grimace and McDonald he often dresses up incognito through the years as Grimace and puts on the mascot outfit over his long shorts and Carthart hood sweat shirt.

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