Greek Gamers Nikos and Mistakos's angered that Recep Tapeworm Erdogan once again is victorious will serve another term

   Alexis  Mousolopolouous

   Once again voting against your best interests the Turkish idiots in the nation of Turkestan have voted in Racep Tayipp Erdogan for a fourth term. The crazed Islamist has done more to wedge difference between Turkey and Europe in his time in office and this dictator somehow and likely through rigged system got himself in elected president of Turkey. The Greek Gamers

Nichols and Mstakos of G Ramers YouTube site went off on a political rant after his victory as they played between games of Warrior Pride and Destruction Of the Worlds video games.. If the gaming switch streamers lamp lasted the people of turkey for electing what is most obvious in World opinionated a Mad Dog Turkish dictator. Is the gaming hosts who own the number one most popular gaming program in all of Greece couldn't believe as a watched all night to Turkish result elections come in and they were besides himself breaking equipment  , throwing chairs and destroying their toys and possessions

What are the people of Turkey really elected racist dog Erdogan will never be known yet somehow this man comfortably won again despite the economic turmoil he has caused for the citizens of Turkey. Etdogan without a doubt is the worse president in the Turkish Republics history and he is a laughingstock to the world. Racist Eragon likely has rigged the election much like Joe Biden in the

United States and Mistakos and Nikos said little improve relations with the West Greece and Turkey will result with this idiots election. Mistakos criticize the people of Turkey for their political election and voting this madman and the potential of a regional war now thi this idiot is once again ruling the country despite having more able brain and minded individuals who could of reset Turkey on the path of a more positive forward direction. 

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