The internet feud of all feuds continues as Max Kaiser bashes Jack Vale and says he has the support of a government while Jack just makes farting noises

 Ramon Ramos

   Bitcoin Pusher and Big advocate Max Keiser hit back at his most vocal critic as his Summer feud  between Max Keiser and Jack Vale continue. This is been the feud the internet and feud of the summer and yesterday Max Keiser hit back at the Pooter punker known as Jack Vale. Max Keiser answered the criticism and trolling of Jack Vale by saying he doesn't have time to play stupid games with such a pathetic loser who makes his living from making fart noises and a fart device Max Keiser is busy helping El Salvador and president Nayib Bukele make the transition from paper currency to a cryptocurrency 

economy and government that we wsay will be a magnet for investment and El Salvador is in a position that Virginia is in 1676,. Max Keiser will hep El Salvador's manifest destiny for reuniting Central America from coast to coast and improve the lot for future

generations and introducing freedom for generations down the line. Jack Vale is working to make fart sounds in Wal Marts and he may be personally contributing to the downfall of this bog box retailer with hos trolling sand disgusting videos.  says he is an internationalist economic thinker with major influence and he is now a part of the El Salvadoran government. Keiser can't believe that some Loser on the internet who makes fart noises has the audacity to continue with troll him and attack him as Jack Vale has done so.  Mad Max decided to hit back Max Keiser went on the stage and flew the El Salvadoran flag it said the future belongs to this country and perhaps others in the former banana republics who adapt to the cryptocurrency Future.

Max said that the US dollar domination is coming to an end and the silly farts like Jack Vale will be falling behind as a concentrate on stupidity and nonsense instead of improving the world and the use of currency behind it. Max Kaiser said that Jack Pooter is about all that is wrong with America and this man needs to

stick to making fart noises and not comments about himself or cryptocurrency as he has no knowledge of economics economics and international policy and currency. Mad Max held the El Salvadoran flag in a recent Bitcoin conference and made mention of Jack Vale  and reminding Jack Fail he is part of a government drastically improving society from what has been traditionally a gangland loser country. Max K Kaiser said Jack Vale is nothing but a fart noise maker and the internet troll and he if he ever saw him face to face he would kick his ass in two ways Kaiser is tired of Jacksonville Jack's bullshit

and he told Mr Vale to go and not worry about his Bitcoin selling and to worry more about selling that pooter devices and a Kmart or Walmart and that these stores will be gone in the future as the dollar devalues itself Max Kaiser said that Jack Vale does nothing but make farts and he should just concentrate on improving his farts for the public and this is all that he has contributed to society. Keiser told Jack Vale that he is working to improve the world while the Jack Vale works to annoy people with the fake sounds of his Pooter device and re-imaging the flatulence.

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