Gregory Foreman crushes ugly Indian Tik Tok propagandist and scumbag Danesh Noshrivan as he is going to be sued by Sarah Comrie

     Chet Oliver

   The ugly Tick Tock scumbag  Noshirvan Danesh is racial provocateur named is being sued by Sarah Comrie and this news is being celebrated by many in the right wing blagosphere who knows this scumbag tik toker. Noshirvan needs to take  avan and go back to whatever land and stan he come and he was among the first people to Doxx City Park health profession and Hospital worker Sarah Comrie when she got into an altercation and demanded her paid bike from five black thugs. The political left and racial provocateurs such as this Tik Tok scumbag name took the black kids side

because of the color of their skin and didn't even think of Sarah Connolly the pregnant woman and her need for an electric bike. Gregory Foreman of the black conservative ripped the Indian ass of Danesh guy and taunted him on his podcast the other day. Forman says Tick Tock toxic assholes such as no Danesh need to be taken off the platform and Tick Tock has basically become a

platform for extreme leftists such as himself such as this man who now finds himself at a lawsuit.  This brown Baath party type fascist is also being sued by numerous other people this silly son of a bitch has used his platform to release their names and addressee in hope someone would cause them harm...I guess. I can;lt see any other reason this son of a dog Danesh Noshrivan would release the names of Americans who may upset a member of a privileged minority victim group and this this Brown racist wants to see white  people to be victims... I guess, Noshrivan is a

misogynist Pakistani or Indian Tik Toker who often provokes his large Tik Tok audience to go after certain parents or essentially white people who stand up to Black shady and sketchy behavior. We have seen that homeless and black sketchy behavior can ruin a city pretty quick what has happened to San Francisco and Seattle and I reckon Indian propaganda's foreign-born demons such as Noshirvan preferred it be see this at be done and for our urban cities to be shit holes and property values drastically declined so people like him can come from other lands and stands and purchase it. Noshrivan is a brown turd who should be deplatformed and

investigated for promoting violence and hate encouraging his audience to go after these Karen and so-called racists sen in videos that anger this Pakilandi silly rat bastard and it appears now this man has been taken off  for the various propaganda and harassment video she has put up throughout a large Tik Tok audience. Noshrivan will be sued out of his Brown ass and he is fucked in it and Gregory Foremon blasted this snake oil propagandist for wokism and the homsexual and race grafter movement in America. 

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