Too much private storage for you in America

    Mulligan Sullivan

   Aurora, Illinois recently announced they will add the second most storage units in 2023 and become on of the largest self-storage cities in America. Old buildings that once housed retail and a Carson Piere Scott or Montgomery Ward that generation enjoyed shopping are becoming storage centers and perhaps nothing more reflects AmeriCCPA than storage and Goodwill stores opening up in place of former JC Penny and Carson Piere Scott stores.Whether this is something to be proud of is not known but the storage boom of the past decade as been a gold rush boom for these internationalists looking to own cheap and easy asset and the idea that this country needs to so much storage still surprises so many. Aurora before the recent addition of massive storage business and space adding some 240,000 square feet now has dramatically reason and ho and why people keep hoarding shit they don't use nor will be around

astonishes me and this is basically a business monetary scam corruption through constriction . The proud home of our writer Rusty Stone is dramatically increasing its inventory of storage space by 32% and the people of Aurora will now hold their head high in pride. People will have new space to put the derelict furniture from thirty years ago they cannot tolerate to see everyday but have become fond unable to throw away and consider as sacrilege as their pets.
 These massive storage spots are todays new gated communities of the era and the boon in desolate and depressing storage business which are not fun have exploded and provided more misery and boredom to society as these business absolutely  serve no purpose except aid in the hoarding of America and culture. There are so many storage business we are running out of room and despite the skyrocket rent junk rooms more and more land and building corruption through construction is being built to meet this "need". 
 Aurora , Illinois resident should hold their heads high as after years of ranking low in the amount of storage space and business allocated to such a travesty Aurora , Illinois has turned it around this summer they will have a festival to honor this turnabout and some of these storage business and space will in a rare event be opened up and people can look inside these storage centers and a street festival for those who don't rent one of these storage rooms can enjoy these settings for a day. Aurora actually is a rare city with old storage and refurbished one tie river buildings of a century ago that has seen a transition for old warehouses to the modern  storage center and I reckon this is another reason to celebrate Aurora, Illinois and its recent amazing storage business boon ..or is it boom. May of these storage centers also could be easily transitioned to a federal or state jail prison as well f such a dramatic need for it and I had a co-worker who stated this is the real motivation for the construction of so many of these new building storage  centers.

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