Jimmy Dore trashes this fake blond and psychopath Kyle Kulinski as he rants about Tucker Carlson saying Trump was a peace time president

     Douglass Glasgow

    Saying Trump was a not a peace time president triggered the fake blonde hair left-wing troll known as Kyle Kulinski. This dummy Kulinski is a host of secular talk and he is among the internet's biggest psychopath and partisan extreme political opinion maker on the internet. Kyle Kulinsky is a dipshit who often propagandizes in his the usual left-wing talking points and is essentially a partisan Democrat making videos and attacking any Republican he feels like for the day. With this in mind Kyle Kulinski actually had a mental meltdown more so than what he is mentally unstable for on a daily basis he is upset that Tucker Carlson is back on Twitter and upset of the thought that Mr Carlson and others say that Trump was a peaceful president who avoided war and guided our country away form this perpetual mission of the evil and dick rat bastard Democrat Party.

Kyle had a total melt down by those conservatives and libertarians who say Trump was against War and prevented war. This drives Kyle  absolutely bananas and the other day doing a video Kyle Kulinski went nuts. If Tucker Carlson is trolling and angering liberals and the retards of the progressive movements such as  Kulinski then Tucker is absolutely successful in what he is doing. Kyle Kulinski went bananas losing some of his his bleach blonde hairs and the idea that Trump is an anti-war president and a

personality is something that triggers this left-wing lunatic. Kyle Quincy doesn't seem to understand it it is the Democrat Party that causes wars and is their global hegemony  viewpoints that has started many wars through the years and this country lucked out when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton who was a warmonger and mass killer much like Barack Obama and Bill

Clinton before them. Kyle Kulinsky is a deranged lunatic and his opinions are often false and crazy and again this was evident when  he did a 20 minute video about Tucker Carlson's fourth Twitter episode  that expressed support for Donald Trump. Tucker also  and called out the war migraine of Democrat officials within both Congress and the US

Senate. Kyle Kulinsky is a dweeb and a half a man of little integrity nor respect and this ranting raging lunatic I have never seen this ranting raging lunatic Kyle Kulinsky get his unhinged as he did the other day as he went on a rampage ranting mental breakdown that this obviously drug addicted lefty does more so than normal. Kyle Kulinski is under the impression that he is on par with a great journalist and incredible legitimate media personalities  such as Tucker Carlson who is beloved by many while this dip shit Kulinski is just a troll and a Communist with a limp  small dick unable to satisfy his new wife Crystal Ball. Jimmy Dore defended Tucker and Trump's peace virtues and ability with his incredible foreign

policy. Jimmy and his partner Kurt Metzger called Kyle Kulinski a "dipshit" and totally ignorant on the fact and Dore called this blonde hared dyed faker a total grfter for the Democrat  and Joe Biden. whether fake hair and silly Kyle Cucklod likes it or not Trump had peaceful anti war virtues and this is one of many reason I reckon why he was perhaps the best president in our generation and most pro American since FDR. This nutcase Kyle kulinski called Tucker Carlson a weasel but in reality the real weasel is this loser with his fake blonde hair and he is a very inconsequential weasel loser at that

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