Growing internet sensation Buddy Brown continues to battle Joe Biden in the Bidencrats and predicts a alien invasion coming and US civil war

     Joe Jupiter


   I am not into country music but I guess there's this country singer who's a real right wing conservative and has a growing huge presence that I just discovered on YouTube. Buddy Brown is a stud and a half who's might be a big national country singer or not I haven't really discovered this but what buddy does is a excellent YouTube channel with his Southern drawl accent bashing Biden and attacking France for the continued economic exploitation attack and treason

against this country. Buddy Brown is one of a growing number of right-wing conservatives going on YouTube and bailing back against this work rainbow globalist ideology and that of black Supremacy that promises to destroy and split this country and the globalist attempt to create balkanization in North America.  Buddy Brown is the Patriot and he's willing to battle back and he is warned people that Joe Biden and the Biden cracks want to take away your guns so they they're resistance and crazed politics cannot be resisted Buddy Brown also suggested that aliens are among the allies of Joe Biden and they may come and help them in time of need as Buddy Brown is

predicted a civil war they will have alien little guys involvement in it Buddy Brown says the CIA has been covering up in the aliens have been attempting to create a civil war for the United States for some time and despite their advances in technology they're very easy to kill in a fight as you just burst their head with one single strong punch these aliens are weaker than once in the movie Mars Attacks and they may or may not be the same aliens that are coming that are associated with the rock band that we predict called the aliens.  They will  be coming sometime in 2026 or 2027 I have seen in a vision. This alien rock band will be

be like the Star Wars band in the cantina scene  and they will rock the Galaxy anytime to unite Earth which will ultimately fail this rock band of aliens though will be bigger than Beatles and I predict like I said in 2027 or 2028 Bubby Brown doll says the civil war is coming around the corner as the oppression and attack against this country in our economy by the Democrats will eventually be met with force. Buddy has a s stash of illegal moonshine and of stashed semi automatic rifles in his property in the South Woods outside Alandale,  Alabama waiting for this Democratic Party globalist alien invasion and he is prepared to battle the Biog heads when and if they land in right before the 2024 election. Joe Biden may indeed be trying to close parts of America into a civil war so he can use that as an excuse to further press authority  and Mao and Stalin type brutality  and we need to be careful not to take the bait that Bobby Brown seems so willing and able to look forward.

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