More pressure amounts for Jerry Reinsdorf to sell the Chicago Bulls as his failed trade with Jimmy Butler blows up in his face and Butler is about to win the NBA championship for another team

      Dave Berkson

    The Sports World in the city of Chicago has this weird billionaire owner who not owns one professional team but owns two of the major professional teams and he has been the incompetent rich Jewish boob since. Jerry Reinstorff has selfishly somehow with little explanation or investigation able  to own two of the five major Chicago sports teams and this incompetent failed owner would even be more of a failure had not been for Michael Jeffrey Jordan .Jerry Reinstorff is a big buffoon who should be forced to sell both teams is this greedy banking buddy crazed man has held on to these teams like throughout most people's lifetimes the Chicago White Sox are pathetic and Jerry Reinsdorf  has done nothing to ever

restore a winning tradition with this baseball club. Why he continues to hold on to this asset and not sell drives many hardcore long time fans nuts Jerry Reinsdorf is a pathetic owner who also owns the Chicago Bulls and while he has six NBA championships he is absolutely none without a player named Michael Jeffrey Jordan. Jerry Reinsdorf had Michael Jordan fall on his lap  and thankfully didn't trade him for draft picks like he did with a current NBA legend and future Hall of Famer Jimmy Butler.  Jimmy Butler was drafted by the

Chicago Bulls and has moved on because Jerry Reinsdork was a fail owner who cannot pay his players properly and a lot of ball players do not want to play for such a greedy ugly fuck old owner. Jimmy Butler was traded in his play for several teams but has found his calling now leading the Miami Heat to the NBA finals this year and to quite possibly what we think would might be an NBA championship.  Jimmy Butler should be on the curt for the Chicago Bulls we're not for Jerry's   incompetency and he might have gone down as the second best Chicago Bull

player even more so than Scottie Pippen had stayed Jimmy Butler is a beast on the court, can  dribble like a ostrich, and he can shoot like a Polish World War II partisan. Jimmy Butler is one of the most talented NBA players in this generation and how cherry wine store let this guy go is beyond any comprehension of thoughts and reason aside from this old Jewish man's incompetency Jerry Reindorf really needs to go away and he thankfully is in his eighties and the good thing about life is no

amount of money is going to keep Jerry Reinsdorf alive forever. Jerry Reinstorff will indeed be dead soon and maybe then a new owner or the family that takes over well improve the play of these two teams and actually retain and keep what are obviously superstar talented player such as Jimmy Butler and not trade them for draft picks

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