Kim Jung Un suffering from cigarette, alcohol abuse and insomnia watching Tik Tok Koreans dance and swing a bat videos

     Lee Park Kong

    Beat that boy with a bat. Ba ba ba ba da ba it appears that Kim Jung Un is so obsessed with Japanese and South Korea Tok Tiks and Kim Jung Un mass genocidal killer and monster dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung Un is close to death my friends as the meth head is addicted to cigarettes imported for the west and dining all sorts of hard liquor also imported from the  West and this is keeping the quickly aging and

ailing North Korean monster up all night as he watches Tik Tok Korean and Asian whores dance to the some beat that boy with a bat song. Kim Jung Un is ailing and we predict he will be dead soon as the reckless and unhealthy lifestyle of rocket man is paving the way for a early grave an sooner or later North Koreans need to rise up

against this brutality of the Jung family of terror regime in and this family dynasty must be over thrown and NATO and the West should use all resources and divert them form Ukraine  to help free th

people of North Korea from this lunatic and his families rule. Kim Jung Un watches some of these great South Korean Tik Tok dancers and  yy5he reportedly lives drinking Scotch all night in addition to also watching Taiwanese baseball games. German porn, and old NBA games from the nineties featuring his buddy Dennis Rodman. it is only a matter  of time before Kim Jung; sister Jolly Joo is president and whether she has made Tik Tok dance ass videos is not known nut probably highly unlikely.
 Its only a matter of time before older sis Kim Yo Jong is in power and Kim By Junk is in the dirt pushing daisies and the mans self destructive nature right now is scary as fuck as this guy doesn't care for his own health is morbidly obese and it should scare the world a lunatic like him has access to codes and nuclear armaments and the idea of  dictators ad madmen such as him having nukes

should of warranted a over throw long time ago. Korea should be a intensified capital strong country with a stable government and democracy as South Korea is and a regime and government like North Korea with these Jung Un dynasty and lunatics controlling the country causing massive famine and poverty for the masses should no longer be tolerated or accepted in 2024.

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