Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions utterly jackhammer's authoritarian fascist black supremacist Idi Amin type pyscho Jamal Bowman of New York

  Alexis Mousolopololous

      Andrew of Run Don't Run productions is the best political instigator and investigate Youtuber is a amazing host and he is not afraid to call out the authoritarianism and fascism of the political left. Andrew went after vicious Black supremacist Jamal Bowman of New York City as the scumbag that he si and Andrew went on to make the

various blunders and authoritative approach this fat black big mouth clown often does on his social media twitter account, Jamal Bowman is a fascist and he is always demanding that president Biden make some sort of executive order on the issues that Jamal Bowman are passionate about 

and demands to be made into legislation. Jamal Bowman is a extremist leftist and much of her social and funding demands and requires to be put into legislation is out of touch with most of the people in this country and few agree with this Black meat head and dumb ass. Andrew torched this silly bald had of Jamal Bowman and says this radical looks at the state she wants to see and the vast majority of people 

who own guns are law abiding American who want to protect their property and family. Obviously this is something this sick puppy Black politician Jamal  doesn't want them to be able to do and have a right and this explains why this psychopath keeps making these anti-gun and confiscation demands. Andrew mocked this fool who expects and demands to Old Joe that he sign legislation erasing and ending all debt of college students which is insane and only a psychopath like Jamal Bowman would

advocate for these snowflake weak woke college students.  Jamal Bowman is right up there with the other fascist of world history and this man reminds me alot of Idi Amin of Uganda who prevented people for access to guns and committed mass genocide and brutal mass murder. The massive  one million genocide of Ugandans was the clear result of stringent gun prevention and policies of this crazed dictator Idi Amin and without a doubt this libshit head Jamal Boman wants to take away guns for the very same reason and vision.  and make no mistake there is little to distinguish Jamal Bowman from Idi Amin. Andrew cannot believe how stupid and dumb Jamal Bowman sounds and talks and indeed it Bowman is  a man of the criminal people as this fool sounds and it appears that the local Democrats basically just picked off this clown off the street as the mannerism and low-class crass brass of Jamal Bowman is often seen with him yelling at the hallow grounds of the capital and its only a matter of time before this nutcase smashed somebody n congress  thinking he is still on the streets. Jamal Bowman is a psychopath and he should not be on congress threatening and attacking verbally in their face the political opposition and again we are calling for this Black supremacist lawmaker to be censured and proceedings to remove him from congress should commence.

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