Smoke shop freak out as Internet troll Ernie Smith trolls Spencer Cox fan at Sage Smoke shop in Vernal, Utah and produces another smoke shop freak ut

        Reggie Rapper

    The idea that the state of Utah would go ahead and push forward the idea of any work flag has not been lost in for Infamous smoke shop freak out troll and Donald Trump supporter Ernie Smith going to Utah was a must go Ernie Smith went into a smoke shop named and he had heard that the employee there was a member of earn of Spencer Cox's staff during his last campaign run Ernie Smith went in and started

bashing the bald head of failed Utah governor Spencer Cox who pushed forward the idea that they need to change a traditional boring state flag with some flag that looks like a 10-year-old drew up in his Elementary School. Spencer Cox has done very little for the people of Utah and this was let known by this Pro Trump supporter and fellow Republican and well known smoke troll named Ernie Smith. Ernie ridiculed Spencer Cox and after the fifth remark the clerk at this smoke shop went nuts and yelled for Mr Ernie to leave the store parental Ernie Smith attempted to purchase some smokes but service was refused 

as this crazed Spencer Cox fanatic clerk will not have any criticism of Spencer Cox and  had enough of his trolling of Ernie Smith. The smoke troll  and other Pro-Trump supporters continue to go around the country and troll the libtards and the bald head Republicans corrupt Democrats  who continue to push forward stupid ideas of changing state flags and being more inclusive with their decisions and representations of the state. Spencer Cow needs to govern and not flag design.

This failed Governor of Utah needs to put back the state flag of Utah as the look was fine and it was the only state flag with the Us flag within it and it was original put in the flag from the Mormons to remind the rest of the country Mormons were indeed loyal Americans on equal and on par with the rest.  

 Ernie trolled and bashed this bald head governor who he described as " a bald joke" and the drive to change the flag from this Republican governor with skeptics and anger from Mr Smith and their not wanting this unnecessary color change and confusion of flag, As we state over and over again and to the comments sections of these numerous flag review YouTube channels and broadcasts the US state flags should be plain and simple and not extravagant as this can be a distraction, Many village and cities also have their own unique and designed flags an we have often wondered why??? Why do these silly towns and villages even large cities need their own flag??? Does a suburb of 40K need a flag.??? We say empathically noooo.

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