Matt Walsh schools and gives the rundown and historical violence of native Redskins

Runs Like Cougar

    Perhaps one of the best explanations of attacking the radical left woke revisionist history Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire gave it to the false narrative of peaceful Native Americans and how they were interrupted by the white man. As Matt Walsh and many other truthful historians will say the native Redskin was a continuous blood gutting community attacking and killing and raiding each other. The truth in history is  no

matter what part of pre-contact North America you can look no matter what region the North American Native Redskins were constantly rating bailing each other and pushing other Redskins out of each other's land and dominions through the centuries. the man. Matt Walsh eviscerated the idea that Native Americans were peaceful recently on his radio show. Matt pushed back on the lie that European contact and

expansion disrupted their peaceful lifestyle what is the actual truth is Native Americans were always pretty much a warrior savage caste system  culture  fighting each other where women and children were often kidnapped and forced into servitude of the new tribe. The political left seeks to undermine the cultural legacy and great history of European Americans and founding fathers of a great nation with their evil foreign-funded ( Chinese) distortion of history and education  portraying Native Americans portraying them for what they were actually not. The  man Matt Walsh went into this and he told his huge audience the truth that 

Native Indian history is filled with genocidal blood killing in I would often make the argument that more Native Americans killed Native Americans and Europeans killed natives after 1492. Any notion that this is not true is a lie and Native Americans did indeed were their own worst enemies most of the time fighting among each other and killing by far each other much more than European expansion and settlers. The political left and the Communists will continue to smear our nation's founding in history and to make misinformation of historical fact the norm when it comes to European and Native American contact and they do this nefariously to

undermine this country. Matt Walsh destroyed them and more people need to know the real history of European indigenous North American contact and it is not what is being taught to you by the radicals at our nation's colleges campuses and public schools.

The Native American committed mass killing and savagery to each other and what is not also included is the inter tribal killings and revenge killings within each individual tribe in wanton murder against each other.  God ingrained  Christians[protestants in America with North America and whether the leftists want to admit it or not this is what happened and the Native American crazed warrior society was defeated and it  most often to blame for their erosion of numbers through the violence that they committed against each other and that against European settlers. Like Matt Walsh I am a North American historian observer  and avid reader extensively studying native early pioneer contacts and Illinois and Indiana history. TYhe fact is  indeed the

Pottawatomie and  Kickapoos and other natives were not only hostile to the white man but extensively to other native groups constantly warring and scalping each other. Enemy scalps were status and wealth assets of the natives and sometimes incredibly served as currency which was sometime also adopted later on by western pioneers who got the idea from Indians. As a Indian there was no peaceful existence of these people as there is not for warrior society and those who were not warrior and participated in the native tradition of raiding were often killed on the spot by other Indian groups or pushed away form their homelands and areas to other inferior places. Walsh read a poll where the vast majority of Americas are confused by pre-European settlement of North America and their ignorance thinking the decimation of population had to do with American expansion instead of Native American history aggression is the by product of misinformation and lies from the woke public education and post-secondary education academia university system and history departments within it.

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