Milt Rosenberg and Profesor Charles Lipson happy that students in Massachusetts elsewhere standing up to woke public schools

    Benjamin Edmondson

   WGN radios Milt Rosenberg has ling warned of the coming wokiness of public school educator who he has stated knowing many and that they are nuts. Milt had the perennial guest University of Chicago professor Charles Lipson on hos program and they spoke to a parent resisting the wokenessism of schools and public education. Both Charles Lipson and

Milt Rosenberg praised the students fighting their woke teachers in a town in Massachusetts resisting r indoctrination of supporting homosexual activity and lifestyle which both Rosenberg and Lipson abhor. The students in Marshall Middle School in Burlington

Massachusetts as kids refused to wear pride t shirts and tore down pride decorations and flyers many disgusted by their schools open wokenism and radicalism to indoctrinate them and their peers and throughout the country school students are resisting the rainbow

GLBTQW community and their domination of public education. These lunatic leftest teachers have for years tried to indoctrinate brainwashing attempts to force students that the GBLTYI+ community is normal and

deserving of respect and finally this year there has been push back and observance of the global communism that the Rainbow weirdos represent and how we must resist them and be on guard to their extremism and wickedness. Hey teachers leave them

fucking kids alone and in another viral news clip students forced to watch a pro pride gay movie objected and ridiculed the movie knowing it was debauchery min fuck brainwashing on attempt of these psychopaths in charge of public school education. Rosenberg and Lipson are elated that parents and students have finally fought back against the woke fascism in

public education and the retired former university of Chicago professor and career radio  host Rosenberg bashed public schools and government run institutions and advises people to home school or private school their students and get them the fuck out of public education.  This sentiment was agreed with Charles Lipson who long has warned of the growing
A woke dummy teacher min Massachusetts and likely supporter of Elizabeth Warner 

    illiteracy and dumming down of youth and the shit students he sees every year that gets worse at the University of Chicago ignorant of basic reading skills and Lipson suggested only their corrupt parents deep pickets explains why they are even in such a prestigious school as the University of Chicago,

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