Racist San Francisco mayor London Bridge snaps at a health official and is she the Coleman Young of this generation

 Terry Blue

London Bridge is a dumbass and the San Francisco embittered evil and racist Democrat mayor is having one of her worst moments in her poll numbers are extremely down and the people of this once proud city hate her. London Breed recently snapped at a white New York City supervisor for asking her to change some drug policies that woke Democrats have allowed to prevent the arrest of people who are drugged up and are shitting on the Streets of San Francisco.  The Snapper London Breed snapped at Dean Preston for asking what she was doing to the city to improve the quality of life from all these homeless and drug addicts who

are making life difficult for themselves and the rest of the population of San Francisco. he also wanted to known why there is so much human feces on the streets of San Francisco.. The psychopath failed mayor of San Francisco London Bridge admonish him for asking the question is she accused him of being another white savior for the black and brown people of the city. The racism of this evil San Francisco and failed mayor has utterly been repulsive through the years

this woman needs to be censored and perhaps removed and sooner or later the voters will have a chance if Government doesn't. London Bridge is one of the worst Mayors now that Lori Lightfoot is gone and some would say London Breed is indeed the worst mayor of the United States no. This crazy woman and her policies are hated by the vast majority of San Francisco and who came out and droves and heckled her recently as she spoke about some new

Improvement for City Services and more taxpayer money for drug addicts this mayor of London Bridge is so bad that some are suggesting she is purposely destroying the city as was done in Detroit when black mayor Coleman Young took office and his policies and lack of pursuing criminals led to massive white flight and the destruction of Detroit. No one wants to live in a city that doesn't clean their streets and you need an phone application to traverse and avoid the number of human feces poles and public displays of ass depravity.

This same process might be occurring right now as this fat psychopath Miss Breed is attempting to destroy business through her avocation and protection of the criminal and Drug dealing elements within this Kalifornia city. Many of these outsiders of San Francisco coming form Red states who do not allow the nonsense that we see on the shit streets of San Francisco have disrupted city life in what was once  America's best and highest wealth generating and top tourist spot in the nation not connected to Disney. Mayor London Bridge is a failed mayor and has disastrous policies have officially made it a difficult and stinky place with tons of shit all over from human feces this woman needs to be removed from office and the way she snapped and made accusations of racism against

City supervisor Dean Preston show the delusional and unhinged personality of psychosis of London Breed was seen as she went off on City supervisor and District 5 manager.  Dean Preston was challenging her crazy soft on drug use approach to governing the criticism is something this crazed fat failed mayor of San

Francisco can't seem to take and naturally as a black woman she made the accusations of racism against Dean Preston for daring to bring up these insane drug leniency from this lunatic mayor. Monster mayor London Bitch and her insulting of other political operatives in San Francisco at the supervisory board meeting is just further proof that this woman is mentally unstable and unfit to be leader and things will not improve in the one-time great city of San Francisco until this woman is removed from office. London Breed has taken over the mantle from Lori Lightfoot as the worse mayor in AmeriCCPa.

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