Robert Gouveia and Viva Frei call out the ugly middle-aged blimp Bill Barr and his book grifting attacks against Donald Trump

       Jack Pooter

    A smart ass former member of the Trump Administration and fuck face Bill Barr is another Trump derange syndrome ass fuck looking to make a few Bill Burr bucks. The fat ass  is making the media rounds and  accusations  selling a book and talking about the 45th president of the United States. Make no mistake Bill Burr is a grifter Bill Barr is another former government disgruntled official of the Trump administration who has turned on Trump as this fatty finds it

profitable to do so and he is financially rewarded for this and providing the corporate global media with the usual propaganda and media hate against Donald Trump. Apparently Trump and the stupid looking Barr had issues and this is another enemy of Trump through government that is now using the media to grift. With this in mind Robert Gouveia the great YouTube host play the video of Bill Barr and bash the silly ass up this fuck face bureaucrat former government official attorney general that now is become a Democrat Party operative and grifter for the 2024 election. 

Bill Barr came on CBS propaganda media looking like Cookie the Clown and he  is now on the payroll of the Democrat Party and he has a book that this heavy fucker is heavily promoting where he is attacking and bashing Donald Trump about the documents saying he deserves the federal indictments that he has received.  Bill Barr is an asshole who just is looking to sell few books and like Chris Christie looking for attention and media love YouTuber and Trump supporter Robert

Gouveia mocked and humiliated Bill Barr recently and his YouTube channel Donald Trump has also gotten tired of Bill Barr's trolling and called Bill bar a gutless pig which Bill Barr happens to truly be. One can see that Bill Barr has enjoyed high incomes through his government jobs in the past and eating a lot of cheeseburgers and fried chicken is Robert 

Gouveia on his YouTube channel points out Bill Barr has admitted that the FBI in the Democrat control of it has used in weaponized the Federal Bureau  to investigate and go after Donald Trump.  Yet somehow fatso Bill says this is now different because Trump refused to give up some documents  that concerned himself maybe security detail and so forth which the former president has  is every right to hold for himself.  William Barr now is a media darling and he is waddling in the pond in attention that he finally thinks he deserves through this fat meat heads narcissism and bar is looking to grift through the political media complex and he is desperately looking to make as much money as he can. Bill Barr has the integrity of a Malaysian coconut

salesman. Viva Frei also has been calling this fat shit Bill out for his numerous misinformation on Trump and he pondered this fat fuck is desperate for money now days.  Barr is no dumb ass and he knows that no presidential candidate has ever had these charges against them and given these extremist near fascist times of the Democrat Party and the extremists within it and their willingness to create a one-party state. Bill Barr has totally lost respect by many and as a one time important image
The repulsive fat bastard and gutless backstabber Bill Barr with number 45 

and he should know better speak the truth. Instead Barr  pimps his mouth and fat ass for the media  globalists talking the same usual media propaganda and garbage and this is what Hillbilly Barr has now regressed into as a  media clown and into a Bill Bozo character. The Billshit is now spread and manured with  his media appearances making the usual same  basic and

accusations that these indictments are true and the charges against Trump have merit which they don't. Barr is acting like Trump is guilty even before a trial has been sent and this is the dishonesty that this fascist Bill Barr is working with the Democrat Party media and his numerous appearances and a text on Donald Trump, Robert Gouveia and Viva Frei came together forever... for a rare appearance and the two great YouTube conservatives ripped to shreds the silly Cookie the clown ass of Bill Barr. Both called him out for his graft and media appearances and William Barr is both a dipshit and a dipstick in our mind and we will share this in just about each and every comment we can in this latest wave and propaganda media tour of this clown Billy Barr. 

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